41. Tyrells

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'Your Grace,' Margaery said as they were waiting for the King's arrival. Loras was there as well, waiting patiently.

'Sit sit I do apologize,' Joffrey told them 'my lady a small council meetings at what point does it become treason to waste the kings time.' Joffrey remarked sitting down Margaery kept a smile on her face. 'That's a lovely down my lady.' Joffrey told her happily raking his eyes over her, looking at the thin fabric, no sleeves, deep cut on her neck.

'Yes it suits you perfectly.' Cersei said 'I imagine you might be rather cold.'

'The climate is a bit more forgiving back in high garden your grace.' Margaery told them.

'Should I have them bring you a shawl my lady?'

'I'm touched by your concern your grace but luckily for us Tyrells our blood runs quite warm doesn't it brother?" she questioned looking to her brother stood like statues waiting to be invited to sit.

'Yes.' Loras agreed simply.

'Loras isn't the queens gown magnificent,' Margaery went on 'the fabric the embroidery the metal work I've never seen anything like it.'

'I find a bit of armor quite useful once you become queen... perhaps before. Joffrey tells me you stopped your carriage in flea bottom on your way back from the sept.' Cersei recalled.

'Yes,' Margaery agreed 'I paid a visit to an orphanage the high septon told me about.'

'Margaery does a great deal of work with the poor back in high garden.' Loras added.

'The lowest of the lowest or no different from the highest if you give them a chance,' Margaery told them 'and approach them with an open heart.'

'An open heart is what you're getting flea bottom if you're not careful my dear.' Cersei told them, 'not long ago we were attacked by a mob there we had a full complement of guards and it did not stop them. The king barely escaped with his life-'

'My mother has always had a penchant for drama,' Joffrey said nonchalantly. 'The truth becomes less and less important to her as she grows older. Our lives were never truly in any danger.'

'You're right of course you are your fathers son,' Cersei said bitterly, but she forced a smile.

'We can't all have a Kings bravery.' Margaery remarked and the siblings shared a look of knowing.

'Hunger turns men into beasts I'm glad house Tyrell has been able to help in these regards.' Margaery went on. 'they tell me 100 wagons arrive daily from the Reech, wheat barley apples we've had a blessed harvest and of course it's our duty to assist the capital in a time of need.'

'Well as Ser Loras, said Lady Margaery has done this sort of... charitable work before,' Joffrey said 'I'm sure she knows what she's doing.'

'I'm sure she does.' Cersei agreed. 'we met your sister, Theadora. It's a shame she was taken by the hound, I assure you we are doing everything we can to get her back.

'Us as well.' Margaery assured. 'but our Thea is resilient, I'm sure she can survive the old dog.'


'stop your sulking girl.' Sandor said to arya. The three of them rode uncomfortably on a horse. Thea on sandors lap and arya on hers. 'truth is you're lucky.' He told arya, she had the most grumpy face on... 'you don't want to be along out here girl... someone worse than me would find you.'

'there is no one worse than you.' Arya spat.

'you never knew my brother.' Sandor said with a chuckle. 'he once killed a man for snoring. Plenty worse than me... plenty of men worse than me. there are men that like to beat little girls... men that like to rape them...'

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