72. Bonding

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'You don't have to do this.' Tyrion reminded her.

"I know.' Thea told him. 'We are bonding, see bonding before the slaughter.'

'Wonderful.' Tyrion said dryly.

'Don't worry, just let me do the talking.' Thea told him.

"Cersei is the queen. You need to spin your lies, the best actress in the world you have to be better if you are planning on fooling my sister.' Tyrion told her.

"I did it before.' Thea mused. 'I can do it again.'

'I wish we would have given each other a real shot.' Tyrion admitted.

'We are exactly where we needed to be.' Thea told him. 'If I had married you... I would probably be dead. I like living.' Thea told him.

"Me too.' Tyrion told her with a chuckle. 'Thank you.' Tyrion told her softly as they got closer to their certain doom.

'You owe me a drink still, you're lucky we decided that before hand.' Thea teased.

'I think I owe you two after this.' Tyrion admitted.

"Works for me.' It felt like an eternity walking to get to the queen. When they got to cersei's quarters they saw Jaime outside her door.

'You spoke with her?' Tyrion questioned

'At her.' Jamie corrected.

'Smooth move Romeo.' Thea remarked.

'until she kicked me out...' Jaime finished and Thea smirked at him 'cersei always called me the stupidest lannister'

'I'm about to step into a room with most murderous woman in the world who's already tried to kill me twice that I know of... Who's the idiot?' Tyrion questioned

'What are you doing here Tyrell?' Jaime questioned.

'Thought I would help Tyrion keep his head on his shoulders a little while longer.' Thea told him.

"Why? I heard you didn't care for him.' Jaime remarked.

"I don't.' Thea confirmed. 'Come on.' She said marching ahead.

'Quite the woman.' Jaime remarked.

"She certainly is.' Tyrion agreed.

'Then I guess we should say goodbye one idiot to another.' Jamie suggested. Before allowing his brother to pass he pat his back.

'Lannister. So nice to see you again.' Thea said and Tyrion stared at her as Thea approached Cersei.

'Tyrell. The last of the Tyrells I think.' Cersei remarked. 'You were always my favorite and yet here you stand on the wrong side of history.'

"Am I?" Thea questioned.

'You are. She will not win this.'

'I don't give a damn who sits on the throne.' Thea admitted. "You see, my father is dead and he was the one that decided this shit union.' Thea said truthfully. 'Without him barking orders like the fat pompous flower he was, I am free. If you or Daenerys have a crown weighing down your both already large heads, that it up to you.' Cersei stared down at her.

"I used to like you.' Cersei said again. 'But I don't think I do anymore.'

'Thea.' Tyrion hissed But thea stepped forward again.

'I'm surpirsed I thought more you Tyrell but brother.' She said the word with such distaste. 'I shouldn't be surprised I suppose she is your type of woman.' Cersei remarked 'a foreign whore.'

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