37. You're alive

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Scattered around the cave, sandor was told he could stay with them before he headed off, begrudgingly he looked out at the storm. The cave provided warmth he could put up with the shit company for a dry warm spot to spend the night. Thea wrapped in his arms she stared up at the cave ceiling.

'Joffrey, cersei, llyn payne, ser meryn,-'

'what are you saying arya?' Thoros questioned.

'the list of people I'm going to kill.' Arya told her.

'Arya would this happen to be the man on your list?' Beric questioned tipping his head to sandor.

'The hound.' Arya confirmed. 'Where are we going?'

'We will ride for the riverrunn tomorrow your brother is there.' Thoros told her 'they will make a contribution to our cause and you can go.'

'I am a hostage ...you're selling me?' arya questioned

'Don't think of it that way.' Thoros told her from across the fire.

'But it is that way.' Arya told her.

'It is.' Thoros agreed 'but it isn't.'

'What is and isn't?' arya sassed.

'Beric owes your father a great deal you know,' thoros went on.

'So why don't you just let me go?'

'We need the gold.' Thoros told her simply

'I would say you can come with us but I don't think you and sandor get along well enough for that.' Thea mused.

'We are not taking the little bitch.' Sandor muttered.

'I heard that!' Arya shouted.

"Good.' Sandor replied.


'Do I frighten you child?' beric asked arya that night, the fire crackling between them, sandor lay staring at the cave ceiling, listening.

'no.' arya answered.

'you're angry with me... I don't blame you. But letting him go is the right thing.'

'I thought he killed you.' Arya remarked.

'he did.'

'but how?' arya couldn't comprehend it. He was dead but now he wasn't. it didn't make any sense.

'thoros... how many times have you brought me back?'

'It's the lord of light that brings you back' thoros answered. 'I'm just the lucky drunk that says the words.'

'lucky drunk.' Thea repeated laughing

'how many times?'

'five I think ,' thoros told him. 'this makes six.' Beric began to tell arya all the ways he died.

'lets see what was first?'

'Impaled through the chest with a lance, by Gregor Clegane, during the Battle at the Mummer's Ford.'

''the mountain. Big fucking guy.... aint that right Hound.' Thoros teased. Sandor grumbled in return but his eyes drifted to Thea, he ran a hand down her spine as she listened, intrigued.

'Knifed in the belly.' Berics hands went to his stomach.

'Shot in the back with an arrow.' Thoros reminded.

'An axe driven into my side.' Beric went on

'Captured by Lannister soldiers,' thoros said shaking his head. 'those fuckers... they executed him for treason –' thoros went on.

'but they just couldn't decide.' Beric informed her. 'that's how I got this.' His fingers moved to his eye patch. 'yes, to hang me or stick a dagger through my eye, they just did both.' Beric said with a laugh.

'and The hound makes six.'

'second time ive been killed by a Clegane.' Beric said.

'it doesn't get any easier you know.' Thoros told him.

'I know. Every time I come back, I come back a little... less.' Beric acknowledged. 'piece of you get chipped away.'

'could you bring back a man with no head?' arya asked. 'not six times just the once?'

'I don't think it works that way, child.' Thoros told her.

'he was a good man. ned stark.' Beric remarked, he had spent some time with Ned while he was Hand of the king, king Robert for a short while. 'He's at rest now. Somewhere. I would never wish my life upon him.' Beric told her.

'I would. You're alive.' Arya remarked before going to bed. 

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