16. I want to go HOME

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'You damned fool.'

'There is paper and ink on the table' Robert said through labored breaths. 'write down what I say... in the name of Robert of the house of Baratheon first of his... You know how it goes fill in the damn titles... I hear by command Eddard of house stark titles, titles.' he moaned, 'as Lord Regent and protector of the realm upon my death to rule in my stead until my son Joffrey comes of age.' Instead of writing Joffrey though Ned wrote the rightful heir. 'Give it to me.' Robert requested ned handed it over to Robert and he signed his name at the bottom. Handing the ink back. 'Give it to the council after I'm dead.' Robert instructed 'at least they can say I did this right this one thing... you will rule now. You will hate it worse than I did but you'll do it well.' Robert choked out a breath 'Daenerys Targaryen, the girl you were right, the little finger, my brother, all worthless no one to tell me no but you. Only you.' Robert remarked. 'Let her live stop it if it is not too late.'

'I will.' Ned agreed.

'My son, help him Ned, make him better than me.'

'I... I will do everything I can to honor your memory.' Ned assured


'lord stark a moment,' renly requested. 'alone if you will?' ned followed Renly off. 'he named you protector of the realm. She won't care. Give me an hour and I can give you 100 men.'

'what can I do with 100 men?' ned questioned.

'attack, in the night, we take joffrey into custody. every moment you delay gives cersei time to prepare. By the time Robert dies it will be too late for us.'

''what about stannis?'ned questioned.

'save the seven kingdoms from cersei and give them to stannis?' He asked incredulously. You have odd notions of protecting the realm.'

'stannis is your older brother.'

'the line of succession doesn't matter, it didn't matter when you rebelled against the mad king.' Renly reminded him. 'It shouldn't matter now. what's best for the kingdoms what's best for the people. We know what stannis is he inspires no trust or loyalty. I do.' Renly told him.

'Stannis is a commander. He's lead men into war twice, he destroyed a Greyjoy fleet.' Ned reminded him.

'yes he's a great solider so was Robert tell me do you believe good soldiers make good kings?' Renly countered.

'I will not honor Roberts last hours by shedding blood in these halls'. Ned informed him. 'And dragging frightened children form their beds.'


'We stand behind you lord stark.' they walked into the throne room, a united front.

'All hail your Grace King Joffrey of house Baratheon and Lannister the first of his name the king of the andals and the first man, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm.' Ned walked forward his cane clicking on the ground his leg still throbbing but he had a mission. Joffrey sat on the iron Throne

'I command the council to make all necessary arrangement for my coronation' Joffrey demanded 'I wish to be crowned within the Fortnight. Odds of fealty from my loyal council.'

'Ser barriston I believe no man here could have a question your honor,' ned said he handed over the scroll to which he had wrote with Robert before he died

'It is King Roberts seal unbroken.' he announced stepping forward. 'Lord Eddard stark is here named protector of the realm,' he announced 'to rule as regent until the rightful heir comes of age.' Barristion said as cersei stood up

'May I see that letter ser Barristion?' Cersei requested sweetly but there was venom in her voice. Thea stood in the back room this past week had been the most excitement in the capitol sicne she arrived to this disgusting hell hole. She watched as sandor stood like a statue his helmet on his face but she saw his eyes shift anxiously to her.

'Of course your Grace.' he walked up the steps delivering it to her before walking down

'Protector of the realm?' Cersei asked 'is this meant to be your shield lord stark?' she said ripping it up a piece of paper. She tore the pieces up throwing them to the ground.

'Those are the Kings words, the kings words!' ser barristion declared.

'We have a new King now' she informed him 'lord Eddard when we last spoke you offered me some counsel allow me to return the courtesy... bend the knee my Lord. Bend me and swear loyalty to my son and we shall allow you to live out the rest of your days at the great waste you call home.'

''Your son has no claim to the throne.' Ned said

'LIAR!' Joffrey screamed

'You condemn yourself with your own mouth lord stark. Ser barriston seize him. This traitor-' cersei demanded.

'Sir Barristion is a good man do not harm him.' Ned said as his men stepped forward

'Do you think he stands alone?' Cersei questioned as her guard step forward as well

'Kill him.' Joffrey shouted 'kill him and kill them all I command it!' Sandor like a good dog drew his blade stepping forward with the rest of the knights. Thea watched him, would he really kill Ned Stark? But Joffrey was the king, they all had a role to play, a part to play to survive.

'Commander.' Ned said 'take the queen and her children into custody. Take them back to their Royal Apartments and keep them there under guard.'

'Unbelievable,' cersei muttered.

'I want no bloodshed no bloodshed,' ned repeated, 'so tell your men to lay down their swords no one needs to die.' Cersei looked around but there was blood shed as a Lannister forces came forward. Petyr wrapped blade around Ned's neck.

'I did warn you not to trust me.' he whispered in his ear.


Thea was pacing when Sandor found her. He pushed open the door and she looked to him anxiously.

"I want to go home, I want to go home!" she declared and she hugged him. Sandor didn't know what to do at first but slowly he wrapped his arms around her. 'I want to go home.' She sobbed. 'I want to go home,' she whimpered.

'I'm sorry Thea.' He knelt before her wiping away the tears with rough calloused hands.

'Sandor, the hand of the king was attacked twice now!' Thea told him. 'the best fucking friend of the king. I'm no one, the union with the lannisters isn't set until I marry the little shit and he isn't here. I'm as good as dead.' Thea told him shifting nervously from foot to foot.

'Did you tell anyone else what you told me? about the children?' sandor questioned running his hands along her bare arms. She shook her head.

'No, no I'm not an idiot.' She told him.

'I didn't say you were.' Sandor reminded her.

'I want to go home.'

'You need to prove you are loyal to the crown, they are going to be keeping a closer eye on everyone without Lannister blood, looking for traitors.' Sandor informed her.

"I'm not a traitor I just don't want to marry Tyrion!" Thea declared.

'I know that, but the queen is a cunt, most people are in my experience.' Sandor told her.

'you're not,' Thea told him confidently.

'I am.' Sandor told her.

'Not to me.'

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