78. Lose you too

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Thea lunged at Sandor wrapping herself around him.
"I told you I'm a hard fucker to kill.' Sandor reminded her burying his face in her neck.

'The people I was stuck with, except for Tyrion-' sandor stared down at her confused. '-I know I was surpirsed as well but drinking with him is fun. Everyone else is so serious.' Thea told him through an exasperated breath.

'In others words your glad I'm still alive or else you would be bored out of your pretty little mind.' Sandor mused.

'Entirely.' She teased kissing him again and again until her lips were numb.

Dany pressed a kiss to Mormonts head as he lay dead. While sansa cried over theons dead body. The number of dead were endless it seemed but they were still alive. They still lived to fight another day.

'We are here to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters our fathers and mothers to our friends.' Jon declared. They got to live another day, another battle. 'our fellow men and women who set aside their differences together... together everyone in this world owes them a debt that will never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath they were the shield they guided the realms of men... And we shall never see their light again.' Everyone else stood silent paying respect to their fallen friends and family. Men and women alike stepped forward with torches ready to set their friends a flame. Arya stepped forward and lit berics body aflame. What a way to go. Thea watched as Beric was set to flame she stared over at him. She had been so excited to see Sandor that Thoros being gone didn't fully hit her. But now Thoros and Beric were gone. She couldn't lose sandor too.


It was a rather silent feast they had won but they had also lost so many.

'Have you seen arya?' Gendry asked

'You can still smell the burning bodies and that is where your head is at?' sandor questioned him.

'I just want to thank her-'

'oh im sure you do.' Sandor grumbled.

'Shut up, let the boy have fun.' Thea remarked.

'it's not about that-' gendry said shaking his head.

'Sure its not.' Thea mused with a cheeky grin.

'Of course it's about that the dead or dead you're not.' Sandor reminded him, he shook his head his face going red as he walked off but Gendry was stopped by the queen.

'It's not like you are not thinking the same.' Thea told him. 'its not like I'm not thinking the same thing.' She added, a pur in his ear.

'Gendry... thats right isnt it?' dany asked.

'Yes your grace' gendry said turning to her.

'Your Robert Baratheons son...' he nodded 'you realize he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered right?'

'I did not know he was my father until after he was dead' gendry told her.

'Yes. He is dead. His brothers are too, so who is Lord of storms end now?' she questioned.

'I don't know your grace' gendry admitted he hadn't thought about it.

'Does anyone? I think you should be the lord of storms end.' Dany told him

'I can't be. Im a bastard' he told her

'No you are lord gendry baretheon the lawful son of Robert Baratheon because that is what I have made you,' she told him and he stood speechless

'To the Lord Gendry Baratheon of storms End' Davos said and everyone stood up raising a glass to him

'Fitting reward for a hero' Tyrion told her 'clever giving him that position.'

'See you're not the only one that's clever' Daenerys told him.


'To the dragon queen!' tormond yelled.

'To Arya stark the hero of winterfell!' dany countered rising a glass to her.

'Too many fucking starks,' sandor grumbled as sansa sat across from them.

'you don't look happy,' sansa said sitting opposite of sandor.

'There is only One thing that could make me happy.' Sandor told sansa.

'What is that?'

'None of your fucking business...' sansa stared at him. 'before you couldn't look at me, not you can't stop staring.' Sandor grumbled as Thea sat back down.

'Thea makes you smile, that's sweet.' Sansa remarked.

'It is.' Thea agreed patting his cheek.

'I heard you were broken and heard you were broken in rough.' He told her and Thea slapped his arm.

'And he got what he deserved I gave it to him.' sansa told him


'Hounds' she told him and sandor grinned as Thea howled up at the ceiling.

'You've changed a little bird' Sandor told her 'none of it would've happened if you left Kings Landing with me and Thea, no little finger no Ramsay none of it' sandor reminded her.

'Without Ramsay and little finger I would've stayed a little bird all my life' she told him getting up and walking away.

'She's not wrong. But coming with us... you were dead for a while.' Thea reminded him. 'whos to say she would even be here now? Arya when to Bravvos and I went with... Beric.'

'All those lives.' Sandor remarked.

'He would have liked to go up in flames I think.' Thea told him. 'Him and Thoros were crazy fuckers but they were good to me.' Thea told him. 'Took me in when you were gone... I cant lose you again sandor.'

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