57. Queen

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Margaery of course knew of her brothers habits in the bedroom and she did not condone him for it but she walked in on him having sex with one of his whores. Once she married Tommen she needed to find a way to remove queen Cersei from her position and her brother making them late was not a good start.

'You're very disrespectful,' Loras said pulling a sheet up over him

'And very hungry.' Margaery told him closing the door and popped a few grapes in her mouth from the table. She sat down at the end of the bed looking over at the two men. 'what's your name?'

'Oliver my lady.'

'I'm afraid my brother is keeping the king waiting Oliver,' Margaery told him and Oliver pressed a long kissed her brothers lips.

'My lady,' he said standing up and heading out, bringing his clothes with him.

'you might consider being a bit more discreet?' Margaery suggested and Loras let out a sigh

'why? They know about me anyways everyone knows everything about everyone what's the point in trying to keep a secret place like this?' Loras countered.

'In any event you shouldn't keep your intended waiting,' she said throwing his shirt at him

'My intended?' He sneered 'please Tywin is dead which means no one can force her to marry me.'

'Lucky you.'' Margaery remarked.

'Unluky you,' he countered

'Do you think I want that awful woman married to my brother?'

'She doesn't marry me she doesn't go to high garden which means she stays in Kings Landing which means you're trapped here with Cersei Lannister as your mother by law.' Loras reminded her


'Perhaps?' He countered

'Perhaps.' she agreed 'If thea were here she would have a solution, she-'

'is vindictive like grandmother. She would have poisoned Cersei by now.' Loras corrected.

'Whats one more funeral?" Margaery mused.


The people loved Queen Margaery, Cersei hated how they called her in the streets

'I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days,' and with that a kiss was sealed Margaery was queen again and they were married husband and wife.

Her first husband had no interest in the female body her second husband died before the consummate the marriage and her third husband Tommen couldn't get enough of Margaery panting breathlessly she looked over to him

'did I hurt you?'

'No, you were lovely,' she told him

'It all happened so fast.' Tommen told her.

'Yes,' she agreed

'I was scared maybe I hurt you it sounded-'

'No no no you're very sweet,' Margaery told him 'the sweetest King who has ever lived.' she said

'This is all I want to do all day every day for the rest of my life.' Tommen told her and Margaery laughed

'Wouldn't that be glorious,' she told him And Tommen leaned over kissing her. 'shouldn't we rest little while just to catch a breath breath there's no rush is there...'

'Of course not,' he told her 'are you hungry? Should I have them bring you some cake or pomegranate juice?" Tommen offered.

'No I'm fine I just want you all to myself,' Margaery assured him hugging him tight 'I want to know everything there is to know about King Tommen the first of his name,' she said a hand trailing up and down his chest

'King Tommen,' he repeated 'still sounds strange to me does queen Margaery sound strange to you?'

'So strange,' she lied 'husband.'

'Wife. Sometimes it feels odd that I'm the king and married the most beautiful woman in the world and it's all because my brother died.'

'I understand but it's not your fault you know that don't you? You mustn't feel guilty,' Margaery told him

'I don't feel guilty,' he corrected 'that's what's odd. Do you like to sail?'

'I love to sail,' Margaery told him

'I do too.'

'I think we're going to be very happy you and I.'

'I do to.' Tommen told her

'living in hig garden, the towers touch the clouds of course my grandmother couldn't wait to go home the capital is not for everyone I suppose,' she said putting her robe on 'does your mother like it here?'

'I don't think so she told me never to trust anyone in Kings Landing,' Tommen told her

'It's so wonderful to have her watching over you, a lioness guarding her cub.' Margaery mused.

'Well I'm a man now .'Tommen told her

'You are,' she agreed 'and a king.' she handed him a goblet of wine 'but you will always be her baby boy.'

'I suppose.' he agreed

'I adore her.' Margaery lied 'she's always been so generous and so kind.' she had become an expert at lies she could say it with a smile on her face and the whole world would believe her 'and she has had to endure so much, losing her husband her eldest child and her father it is no wonder she is so protective of you she'll never let you out of her sight,' she said sweetly


'I said Darling surely four times is enough or you trying to set a new record? He said what what is the record I'm sure we can break it.' Margaery said to her flock of fens they laughed with delight as Cersei came them, the flock stood, bowing before her. Margaery turned around still seated. 'mother!' she said with a wonderful smile before standing up. "Welcome,' Margaery moved to hug Cersei and she had to try very hard to keep the smile on her face.

'Don't you look lovely Margaery,' Cersei complimented but her face was pinched.

'Can we bring you anything to eat or drink I wish we had some wine for you it's a bit early in the day for us.' Margaery told her

'no I can't stay I just wanted to let you know if there's anything... anything I can do for you,' Cersei told her

'How very sweet.'

'Tommen seems very taken with you... his new queen.' Cersei remarked.

'I absolutely adore him you raised a gallant young man and I am forever grateful,' Margaery told her

'Good... Good I'm glad to hear you were...'

'Ecstatic.' Margaery told her 'exhausted to be honest but what should I expect he is half lion half stag.' She mused pushing Cersei's buttons.

'I will leave you to it...'

'Oh forgive me I haven't been at Court for long I get so confused what's the proper way to address you now queen mother or dowager queen?' Margaery questioned

'There's no need for such formalities,' she said bitterly, Thea would have made a better queen, cersei thought, she liked thea but Margaery, cersei saw through her act too late.

'In any event for the Kings enthusiasts, I'm the queen, my grandmother will be a queen grandmother soon-'

'wouldn't that be a lovely,' Cerseri said through a clenched jaw

'can you imagine the celebrations? The ring bells all day and night.'

'Remember,' Cersei said stepping towards her grab her hands 'anything you need...' Before walking away she turned back to her flock and they giggled with delight

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