Part 1: The Elemental is back?!

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Y/N's POV.

S.T.A.R.K Industries: New York Facility

My Name's Y/N, L/N and my routine usually is this. I'm a student in the day, working my job as a janitor at the S.T.A.R.K New York Facility by night. Although it definitely means I don't get much sleep most of the time, it's a daily challenge I have to face.

Things are different today, however. One of the top dogs invented a new type of metal liquid which is going to be showed off soon and janitors have been asked to take a day shift once is a while, today it's me who was asked for a day shift, included with a bonus pay of course. Rumors are the liquid came from the asteroid that fell a couple days before that Mysterio guy made himself known to the world, though the top dogs haven't really made a public statement about it yet, and who would discuss the details with a nobody janitor like me.

While I finish cleaning another mess, I hear a strict voice calling me out. "Hey, Janitor! I just stepped on this puddle you're supposed to clean up!" A man frustratingly calls out. There's will occasionally be someone who accidently steps their rich shoes on to something dirty, usually they just let out a small growl and walk past, some do call them out but nicely, not this guy, however.

Another man scoffs behind him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, what a tragedy. Get going, you got a meeting pal!" Someone named Mark Raxton roughly demands. The rude employee angrily, but quickly leaves, realizing a scene has been created. As said scene immediately dissipates, Mark glances and step towards me. "You're alright kid?" He asks in an apologetically way.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm... used to it." I half-lie. Mark excluded; everyone tries to be nice about it, but I can tell what they're thinking, and it still sucks not to get any respect just because I'm a janitor. But in a way I understand, it's not like I'm the C.E.O around here.

"Right, well um, listen...." Mark begins, looking around as if he doesn't want anyone listening. "I got a special something planned, and I wanted to ask if you're going to school tomorrow?" Mark quietly wonders.

"Uh... Yeah, what's up?" I hesitantly ask him as I move to the mess that was complained about earlier.

"It's the 'event' kid, what else?" When Mark mentions 'event' I immediately knew what he was talking about, letting the topic end right there. "Anyway, keep up the good work. And remember, don't let snobs like that keep you down!" Mark shouts as he leaves me to my job. I smile as I watch him enter an elevator. Out of everyone, Mark always picks me to have a conversation with. Some people guess it's because he just doesn't like hearing the same kind of conversations from his fellow employees during lunch breaks but it's still soothing none the less. His name is also similar to that kid's who has punk rock band, but I don't really pay much attention to that though.

A few minutes later, I finish cleaning up the puddle and my shift ends right around there, and I get my bonus fee as promised, goodness knows I need it. Now, time to head back to my apartment.


About two days later, I'm in the New York streets trying to walk back to my apartment. A year ago, I would've always needed my GPS, now I'm able to remember my destination by memory. Suddenly I get a text and glance at my phone as I continue walking, it's just another political text from some person who wants me to vote for whoever this is about. 

I take a quick glance ahead and that is when I abruptly stop when I almost bump into a teenage girl while texting and walking, don't do it kids. "So sorry." I quickly apologize.

"You're fine." She assures. Usually I just continue walking after, but instead I stare for a few seconds, getting this feeling I know her from somewhere. Her dark skin, her black and brownish hair, and it's just something about that look... Then I recognize it all.

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