Part 2: How did you get here?

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Warning: This is *kinda* a filler chapter, I'm really sorry.

3rd person POV: At least an hour ago....

Peter remembers someone who can hopefully help him and his friends, Docter Strange. He's just now reached his house. Strangely, as he goes to knock on the door, both of them automatically open simultaneously.

Inside is a weirdly, huge amount of snow and people in winter coats shovling it up. "Um...hi." He nervously greets, waving. The two people turn to him. "Hi, I'm..." suddenly a portal opens up and an Asian man steps out, also wearing a winter coat and holding several bags.

"The most famous man in the world. I know." The Man acknowledges.  "Wong." He then introduces himself as. "Try not to slip. We don't have liability insurance." Wong requests, gesturing to the snowy floor.

"Is this all for a holiday party?" Peter wonders.

"No." Wond answers, closing the portal. "One of the rotunda gateways connects to Siberia. Blizzard blasted through." He then explains.

Peter hears winds and sees Doctor Strange himself. He floats down the stairs with a cloak he's wearing, holding a mug and wearing a sweatshirt. "Because someone forgot to cast a maintenance spell to keep the seals tight." Strange sarcastically adds on.

"That's right he did." Wong says raged, barley keeping himself together. "Because he forgot I now have higher duties."

"Higher duties?" Strange skeptically asks.

"The Sorcerer Supreme as higher duties, yes." Wong bitterly responds.

"Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme?" Peter points at Strange, confused.

"No. He got it technically because I blipped for five years." Strange explains. "If I'd been here, then I'd-"

"Burned the place down." Wong finishes his sentence. He then turns to the two strangers. "You two, nobody said stop shoveling!" He orders and they get back to it.

With that topic over, Strange turns back to Peter. "So, Peter, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Strange asks, walking to the fireplace.

"Right um... woah!" Peter slips on some snow as he tries to follow Strange. "I'm really sorry to bother you sir, but..."

"Please, the saved the universe together." Strange interrupts Peter, using his magic to light the fireplace. "I think we're beyond calling me 'sir'."

"Okay, uh... Stephen." Peter attempts to call him by his first name.

"That feels weird, but I'll allow it." Stephen comments.

"When... When Mysterio revealed my identity.... my entire life got screwed up." Peter begins, fumbling over his words. "And... I was wondering, I mean I don't if this will actually work, but I was wondering if... you could go back in time so that he never did?" Peter hopefully asks.

"Peter..." Stephen tries to be as supportive as he can. "We tampered with stability and space-time to resurrect countless lives. You want to do it again because your life got messy?" He compares the two situations.

"This isn't.... it's not about me." Peter explains. "I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My... my aunt may.... my best friend, my girlfriend, their futures are ruined just because they know me, and... they've done nothing wrong."

"I'm so sorry, but... even if I wanted to.... I don't have the Time Stone anymore." Stephen apologetically tells him.

"That's right..." Peter mentally beats himself for a moment. "I'm really sorry if... if I wasted your time."

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