Part 7: New faces, new questions

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Somewhere in New York:

It's been a couple hours since the fight on the condo, where the 'visitors' went to do their own thing, since May's unfortunate death...

I'm current on a rooftop where a billboard stays, showing J. Jonah's report on the scene that's now being broadcasted across New York, another play in his mission against Spider-Man. "Tragedy. What else can I call it? What more need be said? The damage... The destruction... You saw it with your own eyes. When will people wake up, and realize that everywhere Spider-Man goes... chaos and calamity ensue. Everything Spider-Man touches comes to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces." Heh..... That's one way of putting it, but I think a better explanation is what the Goblin's word on it.


"No good deed goes unpunished."


"J. Jonah Jameson, reporting. Good night. And God help us all." He finishes as the billboard now turns to a add about some Mysterio merch, guess every 'hero' has to have one. I look around the night sky of New York, realizing the Goblin was right. I know deep down, part of May's death was on me, but if I helped Peter instead, I would've been named 'Spider-Man's heroic friend' then everybody would consider me his accomplice, then they'd hate me the same way, and once again, no one would respect me. That's the biggest con of becoming a hero, despite everything you've done for them, in the end, they will hate you, so why should I bother?

Anyway, back to the current task at hand, I decided to take Goblin's instructions and head to the meeting point which should be nearby now. I stand up, looking towards the big view I got, double checking to make sure I know where I'm going before heading down the side-steps back to the sidewalk.

It's that moment, when three cars speed towards and surround me, this is basically what they call, 'bad'. I take the moment to observe as three men step out of each car, they wear masks that resemble a dragon, and their color scheme is black and white, there's no doubt, this is the Inner Demons.

"Hello, Y/N." One of them drop my name in an intimidating manner. I feel my eyes widen at the fact they somehow know who I am, I've changed incredibly, and I shouldn't be identifiable by looks.

"How...?" I question. The gangster who spoke earlier, shows off his fluent English as he sympathetically shakes his head.

"If you mean how we found you, you're new features made you pretty easy to follow." He starts with. " If it's about how we know you're alive...." He then chuckles. "Your 'friend' Mark owed us *four times* the amount you did, he offered that canister to us in exchange to be debt free, he never intended to sell it, nor split it, you were sold out."

I feel my lava rise as this reveal is told to me, part of me wants to deny it, but I remember I never really knew Mark's money situation, I shouldn't be surprised he would go that far. Heh, look at me, already doubting the good in an old 'buddy' of mine.

"After that.... it was just a means of putting two and two together. Man goes in, another goes out with different features..." The gangster finishes. I look around, and notice the way the men are positioned, it doesn't look like they're not giving second chances. Four of them form in a square around me, while the other four cock their guns, while the one who speaks English leans against the car, waiting for something.

He says something in Chinese, and the gunmen open fire, which obviously does nothing. I throw a few fire balls towards them, and they take cover in an alleyway, or a car.

Right after the last fireball lands, a whip catches me by the hip, then another by the arm, then the other two by another arm and the stomach. I realize the men that surround me had whips, and then the ones with guns immediately unequips them and pull out some kind of electrified sword, the guns were a ruse, smart gangsters.

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