Part 10: Gotta cure them all 1/2

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Still in the science lab...

After thankfully the janitor not giving them any trouble, the Spider-Men and Eddie now take their plan to the Statue of Liberty, deciding that would be the best place to drawl all the villains in. The group now hurdles around a table to summarize the plan. "Look, this is where we're gonna do this, okay?" Younger Peter points at the Statue of Liberty. "It's isolated, so no one should get hurt. We draw them here with the box, it's the only one thing they want. All we have to figure out now we're gonna get there."

"We can portal there." Ned suggests, beckoning towards his magic ring, much to the surprise of Peter.


"I'm magic now." Ned tells him. Young Peter looks a bit skeptic, but everyone else nods, excluding Eddie, who doesn't look bewildered at all about the term 'magic' being used in real life.

"Yeah, no, no. He's right, he can, he can." MJ confirms with a bit of a stutter.

"Yeah, we saw him."

"Yeah, he is."

"Wait, really?"  Young Peter questions.

"Nice..." Eddie nods.

"Dude, I got Doctor Strange magic!" He excitingly whispers, taking off the goggles he still has on. "And I promise I won't be like Y/N and turn into a Supervillain, trying to kill you." He swears his vow, and Middle Peter taps him on the back in respect.

"O...kay? Thank you?" Young Peter says, extremely nervous that Y/N was used as an example. Ned smiles, Old Peter gives him a thankful look, Eddie awkwardly coughs and MJ glances at everyone, extremely confused as to where they came from.

"Alright, um... Here goes nothing." Young Peter moves the conversation forward. He turns to MJ. "What's that thing you always say? Expect disappointment and you'll-"

"No, no, no." MJ interrupts him, giving everyone a serious look. "We're gonna kick some ass."

"Cure." Old Peter corrects. "Cure some ass." 

"Cure that ass." Ned Nods, while Eddie is looking at all of them with a amused look.

"I'm kinda wishing I lived in whatever generation of school this is..." Eddie comments, thank quickly shakes his head. "Actually, I take that back."



One of New York's bars has a bit of a problem. See at one minute everyone was having a cool 'ol chill time, until the door broke down and a Molten Man stepped in, now the place is full of terrified patrons, holes in walls, and a couple of ash piles. 

But who could've been able to do all this? All this damage in such a short minute? Who's the one that's currently lining his new bag with riches? Well, who do you think idiot?

"Give me that neckless!" I aggressively order one of the terrified female patrons. She's obviously reluctant, but one look at my lava causes her to give it in exchange for not being burned alive. 

I take a quick glance at my sack half full. Satisfied, I turn to the destroyed way I came. "Thank you everyone for your business." I quip as I begin leaving.

"So that's it?" A man loudly yells at me before I'm even halfway through the door, I can't help but stop and turn to him. "You think you can just steel from us and walk away?"

"Yes...?" I humorously answer, what was I supposed to do? Do a dance? 

"Spider-Man will come after you." He says, causing me to let out a bitter chuckle. I don't even know why, but I step closer to him until I'm face-to-face with him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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