Part 4: What happened to you?

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New York: An alleyway 

3rd POV.

Norman Osborn woke himself back up, but for some reason he finds himself in an entirely different town, different world it looks like. As crazy as that theory sounds, it's the only one he's come up with so far. After all, the Peter Parker he's briefly seen on the news looks younger and incredibly different than the one he remembers.

Right now, he's in an alleyway trying to cover up his crime and get rid of all the goblin's stuff. He's trying to cover up the Glider before a voice rings out. 

"Coward." The Goblin insults him. "We have a new world to conquer, you make me sick." He berates the lost scientist. Norman turns to the helmet, even though the voice is obviously in his head.

"Leave me alone, please." Norman pleads with his alter ego.

"Hiding, in the shadows. Hiding from who you truly are." The Goblin continues to scold the man, who just shakes his head in a plea to stop.


"You can't escape yourself!" The Goblin tells him. In a panicking attempt to silence the voice, Norman grabs a rock and smashes the helmet into pieces. He runs away even as the Goblin's crazy cackle lingers in his mind.

"HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA."


After finishing most of our clean up, Peter suggested that I head back to the crypt to make sure Ned and MJ are safe with the 'ferocious four'. Just in case they somehow manage to get out of their cell, which I doubt, but whatever.

While casually walking the streets of New York... (Yes, some people were look at me, but they pissed their pants while doing it.) I hear a loud sound, like someone hard being completely smashing. 

I stop and turn to the source a noise from an alleyway, and that's when l feel someone bumping into me. While I stay on the ground, the person hits the sidewalk concrete.

"Woah, you good?" I check on them as they come back to. It looks to be a man in his 30's, he looks mildly confused which I first thought was because he's looking at a boy made of charcoal, but I notice him blinking and glancing around every direction. Then I notice his green armor with a slight shade of purple. Is this the Green Elf? Norman Osborn?

"I-I..... I apologize." The man eventually speaks, standing back up. "I was... distracted." He stutters. I can't help but look at him concerned.

" 'Distracted'? You look like you just saw five, hundred ghosts, man." I tell him. Not only is he confused, but he's also taking mouth-open breaths as if he just watched a CoryxKenshin 'Spooky Scary, Sunday' video. Okay maybe that wasn't the best definition, but you know what I mean.

"I'm sorry it's just that...." The man who I this is Norman glances back towards the alley. "He won't stop talking..." He mumbles.

"Who won't?" I ask him, confused. look down the alley, but no one's there. 

Norman looks at the alley, as if he's waiting for something. After minute of awkward silence, he just shakes his head in an attempt to snap out of it. "Forget it." He turns back to me. "I hate to ask you this...but is there a place I can just.... rest?" He hesitantly asks, as if his pride depends on him not asking others for help.

"Are you lost or something?" I question him. The man quickly shakes his head.

"What? No, no, no, no." He tries denying, with a persuading smile. I just look at him skeptically for a few minutes and he just lets out a tired sigh. "Yes..."

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