Part 8: Taking a moment...

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Note: Short chapter... Really sorry.

The Midtown high's rooftop: Some time at night

Peter's been sitting here for as long as he could, staring at nothing, not caring how much time has filed by. He hears the sound of someone coming down the ladder and turn to see it's MJ and Ned.

None of them say anything as they embrace Peter in a comforting hug. Peter breaks down, his face is already red from the bruises and tears that he's already shed. It feels like it lasts for so long as Peter lets out all of his grief when he realizes the tingle in his head, something's not right.

"Peter..." MJ whispers to him. "There's... There's some people here... who..."

Peter cuts her off by webbing the direction his special sense of coming from. It hits a blond dude a couple feet next to them who clearly thought he was well hidden in the shadows. "Ow...." The guy mutters in a slight irritation. Peter stands up to him and slowly walks up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't shoot, or web. We're all.... amigos here." The guy blurts out, raising his right arm in defense.

Peter thinks of what to say next, but then he hears something farther up, he looks and sees two other people higher up the rooftop, but he can't make them because of the shadow covering them. They hop down lower, and Peter puts up a defensive pose. "Hey. Wait, wait, whoa!" He stops them, putting up a warning finger.

The two men put up their hands and with the rooftop's light now shining down on them, he notices that one of them has a suit very similar to his own. "Sorry..." The older Peter hesitates. "About May..."

"Yeah, sorry." The Peter with the suit adds in. "I got some understanding of-"

"No." Peter cuts them off. "Please don't tell me that you know what I'm going through." He pleads. He doesn't need to hear this pitch.

"Okay..." The middle Peter sighs, not saying another word. Meanwhile, the blond guy takes the moment to secreting cover himself in black goo, and rib the webs off of him, turning himself back to normal after.

"She's gone.... And it's all my fault." Peter bitterly mourns. "She died for nothing. And he ran off to join the Goblin."

"He?" MJ quotes. Peter then turns to her rageful.

"Y/N, MJ!" He exclaims. Both MJ and Ned are shocked by the revelation. "He chose that man over May, over us! I thought we were his friends..." Peter pauses, barely keeping his temper together. "I was wrong. But now I'm gonna do what I should've done in the first place." He then reaches for the box.

The Older Peter shakes his head. "Peter..."

"Please don't." He cuts him off again. "You don't belong either of you, so I'm sending you home." The younger Peter tells his other versions. "Guys like him are from your worlds, right? So you deal with it. If they die, if you kill them, that's on you." The blond guy awkwardly shifts around, trying his best not make a stupid joke. "It's not my problem, I don't care anymore. I'm done." Peter concludes.

"I'm really sorry I dragged that I dragged you into this, but you have to go home now. Good luck." Peter reaches for the box, but MJ pulls it away. Peter gives her a look, but MJ wordlessly pleads for him to hear his counterpart's case.

"My Uncle Ben was killed." The older Peter abruptly lets out. "It was my fault." 

"I lost..." The Middle Peter begins, but he immediately feels tears rising up, so breaths in, trying not to get too emotional. "I lost Gwen... my um.... she was my MJ." He hints, Peter glances at his own girlfriend. "I couldn't save her. I won't be able to forgive myself for that... But I carried on. Trying to, umm, tried to keep going, tried to keep being the friendly-neighborhood-Spider-Man, because I knew that's what she would've wanted... But Jackel..." He pauses. "At some point, I just... I stopped pulling my punches...... I got rageful.... I got bitter. I just don't want you, to end up like... like me." He finishes.

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