Part 9: Cooking

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After the tragic event with Ned's lola, the doctors said they're accepting visitors in the morning, so The Peters, MJ, Ned, and the blond guy who introduced himself as Eddie Brock. in the meantime, continue with their current objective. They all head inside the labotory of Peter and his friend's high school. Totally not breaking in at all, nor did they knock the security guard unconscious on their way in, nope, not at all.

 Young Peter empties the sack of broken cures on an empty table. "Okay, so... Connors, Marko, and uh..." Peter takes a moment to think about as he puts the devices, forming them into a row, while Middle Peter puts on a lab coat. "Look I think I can repair the devices for Dillion and Marko, but the others..."

"Well, I got Connors. I've already cured him once, so no big deal." Middle Peter casually tells them, taking Connor's cure. He then notices the other two giving him surprised looks. "What? It's no big deal."

"Great." Older Peter shrugs, thinking sooner is better than later.

"Yeah... That's great." Younger Peter says with a slight stutter, glancing at his older counterpart. 

"Cool, I'll also help with your friend, Y/N. I've met a Mark Allen who had a similar condition and I think I can up with something." Middle Peter mentions. With that, Middle Peter goes to repeat his secret Anti-Lizard recipe, immediately changing direction once he realizes he's going the wrong way.

"I think I can make an anti-serum for Doctor Osborn." Older Peter states to his much younger version. "Been thinking about it for a long time." Younger Peter doesn't respond, just stares at the broken cure with a hint of vengeance., which obviously gets noticed by Older Peter. "Gotta cure all of them, right?"

Young Peter quickly snaps out of it, looking back at him. "Right."

"Can't really make a cure for Eddie's...suit." Older Peter continues. "But I know of a way to burn the suit permanently so it can't bond with anyone."

"No, no, no, man, you don't need to do that." Eddie objects, not at all down with the idea of losing his powers.

"Eddie, this thing is controlling you, you're not controlling it-"

"But the voice is gone!" Eddie abruptly argues. "Alright? I'm telling you, I'm fine!"

"Eddie..." Older Peter persists, giving him a pleading look. Eddie eventually, and reluctantly sighs.

 He says nothing but walks away, considering how he would continue his life without his suit. Older Peter stares at the back of his head sympathetically, guilty about what he's done to the man's life.

Younger Peter watches as he walks away, before staring at Eddie, thinking about how Eddie and his suit sounds familiar to The Goblin's situation. He quickly turns away as Peter notices MJ staring at him. "What?" He asks her.

"It's just... three yous." She answers, gesturing at all three of them. Peter chuckles, it's like having two brothers.

   Everyone now gets to work, The two Peters from alternate dimensions put on gloves and goggles as they take the required ingredients for their respective cures

Eddie and Ned also put on goggles and gloves, hoping they can help as well. "So, are you your Peter's best friend?" Ned asks Eddie, who gives out a bitter laugh in response.

"Um... No." Eddie answers, shaking his head. "We were more like rivals where we worked. And it.... got a little personal at one point." He then tells Ned, not specifying any further.

"Were you trying to kill him?" Ned then queries. Eddie looks at him shocked by saying that out loud.

"Yeah, yeah I did." He confirms. "Me and Peter... got into a bit of a dust-up. I ended up losing my job, and my girl..." He starts. "Then this black goo... sort of... landed on top of me and used the anger I had for Peter to get revenge on him."

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