Part 3: Easter Villain hunt

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Stephan Strange's home still, obviously:

Strange was relucted to let me out, considering I tried to incinerate him, but Peter was able to convince him I wasn't a threat, and for me to say, 'sorry Wizard man, that I threw a fire ball at you, and maybe almost killed you.'

Peter has called MJ and Ned to the mansion that must've had a holiday party or something. I mean there is *literal* snow on the floor, talk about commitment.

Looks Ned and MJ brought their winter clothes on despite it being 56 degrees outside, how are they not sweating? Oh me? Well, I still have my janitor outfit that seems to be stuck to me, but being a literal magma man, The cold doesn't affect me anymore.

"I can't believe I'm in the Sanctum Sanctorum..." Ned maunders, mindlessly looking around the place. I also should be excited, but maybe when the place is back to being clean, I'll appreciate it more.

"Neither can I." Strange sarcastically comments. Guess the situation is putting a lot of problems on his plate, or he's just grumpy today.

"So, how did you know you were made of magic?" Ned asks the annoyed wizard. "Because my nanna says we have it in and something I get these tinglings in my head..."

"You should talk to your physician." Strange suggests, shrugging of anymore potential questions.

"Peter." MJ happily greets. Sounds like her life took a better turn.

"Hey." Peter hugs MJ. "I'm sorry for dragging you in this, you just gotta help me find these guys..."

"You don't have to apologize." MJ assures him. "You got us a second chance at MIT." MJ then glances at me. "Who is he?" Oh boy....

"Right...." Peter and I remember that my... alteration has left me unidentifiable. "Guys, this is... Y/N." Peter tells them as I awkwardly wave.

"2.0" I nervously say. Ned and MJ look obviously shocked at the new me, especially since it's not new years yet.

"Y/N?" Ned questions, looking at his second-best friend that is now charcoal and Magma. "What happened to you man?

"I....fell?" I hesitantly explain. Please stop making me avert the fact that I tried to rob S.T.A.R.K, pretty please? "Look, we'll get onto that later. More important, Villains have come to destroy town, yes?"

"So, how did the bad guys get here?" Ned questions Peter. Obliging my wish to change the subject. Peter embarrassingly looks at him, trying to find a way to explain it but Strange does it for him.

"He screwed up a spell trying to get you into collage." Strange tells them.

"Wait, what?" MJ and Ned say in unison. "I thought it was a magic laser, you did it with magic?" MJ questions Peter.

"No, that was after." Peter quickly says. "Let's just focus on the good news, okay?"

"No, let's focus on the bad news." Strange asserts. "As of now, you have detected zero multiverse trespassers. So, get on your phones, scour the internet, and Scooby-Doo this shit!" Strange loudly commands all of us. Sorry dude, but I lost my phone.

"You're telling us what to do, even though it was *your* spell that got screwed up, meaning that all of this was kinda your mess." MJ deflects, and Strange gives her a mildly offended look. "You know, I know a couple magic words myself, starting with the word 'please'." MJ challenges with a smirk.

Strange lets out a annoyed breath, before quipping a smile. "Please, Scooby-Doo this shit." Strange 'politely requests' of us. "You can work in the undercroft."

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