i. back to camp

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"Hey, Chiron!" Elora greeted her centaur mentor while walking away from under the shades the trees provided.

"Elora," he said. "Welcome back, child."

"It's nice to be back," she said. 

"I imagined it is," Chiron said. "How about you take a round around Camp."

"Why? Did you add anything new this year?" 

"No," Chiron said. "There are, however, new faces in Camp. Why don't you go and welcome them?"

She contemplated the idea. It wasn't a bad one. "Yeah okay. How many are there?" 

"Not as much as I'd like," Chiron answered and at the same time evaded the question.

"Hermes cabin?" 

"Training grounds," he corrected. "It is well past lunch and they should be training. If they're not there, I hope you know where to look."

She sighed but nodded."The infirmary."  

The smile on Chiron's face showed her she answered correctly. "Go along. I have master's archery in a bit."

"Right. Where's Percy and Annabeth?"

"I believe Percy is having his orientation today and Annabeth is out waiting for him," he answered. "They're going on what you call a date."

Elora squealed. "I ship it!" She forgot where she was and jumped in delight. "I knew they're going to be a thing sooner or later!" 

"Yes well, this is a step closer to it I suppose."

"A big one! What are they doing? A movie date? Lunch? A walk in the park?" she fired. 

"You'll have to ask Annabeth when she comes back."

"Aw no fun," she complained. 

"Then spend some time with the newcomers. She'll be back." 

"Okay," she complied. "Bye!" 


She spent some time with Peleus, the mechanical dragon guarding the camp. 

She gave some tips to demigods during training. She trained some too.

Met their new instructor, Quintus. Something's fishy about that guy. But she didn't know what. Just a feeling but it can always prove to be nothing. 

"Quintus," she said. "I think your name means five in Latin." 

"Yes," he said. "You speak Latin?"

"Nope," she said. "Just know some words in Latin."

Quintus smiled. "A dea Athena benedictus es?" [Are you blessed by the goddess Athena?] 

"No, non eram," she replied. "My mom's smart and I guess I got it too." [No, I was not.] 

Quintus raised an eyebrow. "You were saying?" Quintus placed the sword he was cleaning. "You do speak Latin."

"Simple stuff," she said. "Got them from books. Ask a more complicated question and I won't be able to answer them." 

"Quam bonus est nobilis filia infer," he stated. (how good is the daughter of the underworld?)

She smiled. "You'll see. Eventually." 

Quintus had a glint in his eyes. "Looking forward to it."


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