xxi. reckless

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Once Geryon drove them to his ranch, he started cooking on some barbecue. Annabeth, Tyson, Grover, Nico and her walked together in a group with Eurytion watching over their every move.

"I can't believe percy would do something so stupid!" Annabeth said. "Percy is an idiot. What was he thinking?"

Tyson looked at her sympathetically. "It's okay, Annie."

"He'll be alright," Elora assures her friend. "Percy always finds a way out of all the stupid mess he gets into."

"I guess you're right." Annabeth agreed. "One other thing." Annabeth took a deep breath and fired in her direction. "What in the name of the gods did you think you were doing facing Luke alone?! We all thought you died and here you are! Alive. No note, no letter, nothing! We weren't sure you were even still alive!"

Elora looks up at her older friend guiltily. "I'm sorry. I just... I know Kampê was going to kill him and-"

"You didn't have to face the monster by yourself! you could've been killed!" Annabeth yelled again.

"It was a stupid, impulsive move," she agreed, "won't do that anytime soon."



"Die monster!"

The once neat place of Geryon's was a mess. Broken tables, chairs, furniture. Sharp glass littered the floor.

Annabeth seemed to be in a mood. She was impulsive which was a first. Without much thought or planning, she decided to stick her blade and sent Geryon to Tartarus. Tyson and Grover joined in. Tyson followed Annabeth's lead while Grover threw sharp pointy things from afar.

Elora may have helped with the sharp pointy bits.

"Ooh I'm gonna kill that mutated monster!" Annabeth seethed. "You," she pointed to Elora, "stay there. I'm not thinking and I need to blow some steam. If things hit the fan, three of us are going to need a good negotiator."

"I think it's supposed to be when things hit the fan," Elora muttered.

"I heard that." Annabeth glared at her.

"You sure you don't want to go kill some of the furnitures first? Or punch the wall? Let out the filthiest curse ever? Let's start easy yeah?"

"Knock Eurytion out."


Annabeth did not listen.

"I need another one!" Grover shouted.

"I'm right beside you!" She shouted back. "No need to yell, jeez."

"Knife!" Grover turned his head searching for something sharp. He found one. Grabbing it, he screamed, "fork!" and proceeded to impale the monster.

"Take that! And that!" Annabeth was wild with her dagger. Swinging and hacking at anything she can find.

"I need another knife!"


"This is not a knife!" Grover yelped as he saw the weapon in his hands.

"No. It's bigger!" Her eyes gleamed. "Chop something of Gery's!"

"Yahhh!" Grover threw the ax, successfully hitting Geryon's back. He was rewarded with a pained roar. "I like it." Grover faced her, his face serious with a hint of glee. "Give me more!"

"How do you want it? A big ax? Small? Tiny?"



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