vi. stitches part ii

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Elora groaned and sat up and studied the room.

There are bunk beds on either side. She's currently in a… cot? Right in the middle. Rough cedar beams rib the ceiling and the white plaster walls are bare except for a few hooks for coats and weapons. It smelled of clean linen and dried sage. 

The only decorations are some flower pots on the windowsill, filled with yellow blooms. There's a bookshelf. One of the flowerpots is filled with red and purple hyacinths. Looking out the window, it was around six or seven if she had to guess. 

Gidiously, she stood up and made her way to the bookstore. She took some of the books and headed back to her cot in the Apollo cabin. 

Next to her cot was a tray. On top of it are a bowl of sliced peeled apples, and a glass of water. 

"You're up," Will said. 

Elora hummed in reply. She continued going through the pages. "Are all the books highlighted with facts about your father?"

"That was the point," Will said, "they're references to tell our new siblings about our dad." 

She walked back to the bookshelf and shelves the books back in place. 

Then she walked back and decided to stretch her back. It seemed kind of stiff. 

"No!" Will shouted. He rushed over and stopped her.


"Your stitches!" Will said.

"Stit- Oh! You stitched me?" she asked. "I was fine!"

"You were bleeding everywhere!" Will exclaimed. "How is that for I'm okay?"

"You do know I hate needles right?"


"So again you must have known I lied," she said.

"I did."

"Great. Honestly, it hurts like someone dipped my back in acid," she said. 

"Shirt up," Will said. "I need to check your stitches." Beside him, he has a tray with tissues, needles, a knife, and some pincers. Oh, and the thread was there too. 

"I believe you know what I'm going to do next?" 

"Elora," Will groaned. "Please, please do not run."

She grinned and sprinted out the door.

"No, back in you go," Kayla said, blocking the door. 

"Come on," Austin steered her back. 

"Well at least you learned your lesson," she said to Will who stood with a smile.

"I did." 


She was lying on her stomach, her shirt was taken off, pinned down by Kayla and Austin. 

"Okay. Before you take them out, can you knock me out or something?" 

"I don't have a sedative with me," Will responded.

"Utter bull," she said. 

"It won't hurt," Kayla let out. "Just pricks."

"Easy for you to say," she mumbled. "You're not the one pinned down."

"You're really afraid of needles?" Austin asked. 

"Yeah," she replied. "It's stupid but yeah."

"Why?" Kayla asked.

"What do you mean why?" she asked. "Will, don't tell me anything until it's over."

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