xxiii. Cheer Up

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"Hello, Percy."

She looked just like Nico, with a green hat put sideways over her thick black hair, dark eyes, and olive complexion. She was dressed like an Artemis Hunter, with pants and a glittering jacket. A bow was hanging across her shoulder. She grinned gently, and her entire figure flickered.


Without further ado, Nico dashed over to hug his sister.

Bianca moved her gaze to her brother. Her face was mournful as if she had been anticipating this moment. "Hey there, Nico. You've grown a lot."

"Why didn't you respond to me sooner? I've been trying for months!"

"I was hoping you'd give up."

"Give up?" He sounded heartbroken. "How can you say that? I'm trying to save you!"

"You can't, Nico. Don't do this. Percy is right."

"No! He let you die!"

Bianca reached out to touch her brother's face, but she was formed of mist. As her hand approached his living skin, it disappeared.

"You must listen," she said. "Keeping a grudge is dangerous for a child of Hades. It is our fatal flaw. You must learn to forgive. Promise me this, Nico."

"I can't. Never."

"Percy has been worried about you, Nico. He can help. I let him see what you were up to in the hopes that he would track you down."

"So it was you," Percy said. "You were the one who sent those Iris-messages."

Bianca nodded.

"Why aren't you helping me? Why him?" Nico screamed. "It's not fair!"

"You're getting close to the truth now," Bianca said. "Nico, you're not mad with Percy. It's me."


"Yes. It is," Bianca smiled sadly. "You're mad because I left you to join Artemis. You're mad because I died and abandoned you. I'm sorry for that, Nico. I truly am. But you must overcome your rage. Stop blaming Percy for my choices. It will be your fall."

"She's right," Annabeth said. "Nico, Kronos is on the rise. He'll sway anybody he can to his side."

"I don't care about Kronos," Nico said. "I just want my sister back."

"You have Elora."

"I want you too," Nico said, "All I want is both my sisters back."

"You can't have that, Nico," Bianca told him gently.

"I'm the son of Hades! I can." Nico insisted. "Elora can teach me. She'll help me. We'll get you back right Elora?"

Elore has been quiet watching the scene unfold. But now her name has been spoken, she couldn't stay silent.

"You know we can't," Elora whispered. As much as she wanted to, it was not possible. Not without lots of fatal consequences.

"Don't try," Bianca said. "If you love me, don't..."

Her voice faded away. Ghosts had begun to cluster around them once more, and they were anxious. Their shadows moved.


"Tartarus is stirring," Bianca observed. "Kronos is drawn to your strength. The souls of the dead must return to the Underworld. It is not safe for us to stay here."

"Wait," Nico said. "Please-"

"Goodbye, Nico," Bianca said. "I love you. Remember what I said." Bianca lifts her eyes to Elora. "Take care of him."

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