xvii. wonderland

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"This will be where you stay," Luke said as he led them down a dark corridor somewhere in the magical Labyrinth.

The moss-covered path turned to bricks then to dirt and back again to bricks. The walls were cracked and dark.

At the end of the corridor, a door remained close.

"A cell?"

"Where did you get that thought from?" Luke asked looking back at her. "Don't be ridiculous."

"This." She motioned to the people behind her who were all armed, the dark labyrinth, and the medieval-looking wooden door. "Makes it kinda hard not to assume."

Luke seemed to consider it. "I see." He directed everyone to go back, leaving her alone with him. And another half-blood.

"What about him?" she jabbed a thumb at the half-blood a step behind her. She looked at the half-blood in question. "Ethan Nakamura right? Son of Nemesis?"

The half-blood stood still like a statue.

She waved a hand in front of his eyes. Ahem, eye. "Hello?"

Turning back to Luke, she said, "you're sure he's not an automaton who listens to your every whim?"


Ethan glanced up at Luke.

Another point to him being a robot.

Bet he's not an automaton.

You're on.

"Ethan will be your guard."

"I don't need a guard."

"Then a helping hand."

"Don't need one either."

"A companion?"

"I have my head for that."

"A maid?"

"I can clean."


"I have a minimum of three years of practice."

"A chef?"

"I can cook."

"Amazing food?"

"Receipts passed down from my grandma. She makes the best dishes."

"I am right here, you know that right?" Ethan interrupted.

An automaton won't do that right?

No. I think.

So… guess you won?


What can I call you? This is kind of ridiculous.

Silence. No sound of the comforting feminine voice.

Hello? Just give me this then. You are not Apollo pretending to be a female in my head right?

Ew. No!

Promise? Cause I've told you some weird stuff.

I swear on the River Styx.

Too extreme? But I guess I know you're not him. When will you tell me who you are?

Soon. Now pay attention.

"Elora!" Luke snapped his fingers.

"Wha- uh- yeah?"

"Back with us?"

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