xviii. exit

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"Where exactly are we going?" Elora asked.

At dawn, Luke collected them both to join him on something. Something's off about him though. 

"On a trip, sister dearest."

"Yes. I know. But where?"

"Some things never change eh? Still impatient as always." He flicked her nose with a smile. Yet the smile lacked something she can't place.

Her eyes narrowed. "Meanie."

"I'm the bad guy, E. I am supposed to be mean."

"Yeah well, not to me. Back me up E number 2!"

"You did promise no harm will come to her," Ethan Nakamura said. "You broke your promise."

Luke had a betrayed look. "When did he move to your side?"

"After I gave him more than half of my cake," she huffed. "Ethan is hard to sway."

"Who made it? It was good."

"You won't like the answer. I think."



Ethan stopped abruptly. "This is a joke right?"

She blinked up innocently at him. Ever so slowly, she shook her head from left to right. A smile crept on her face.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted that cake." He glared at her.

Out of all the places to glare at, why pick to glare at me?

"It was good, no?"


Ethan went in first leaving Elora and Luke in the shadows of the Labyrinth.

"You guys coming?" Ethan's head popped out of the door after a while.

"You brought her?" a green-eyed demigod asked. "Here? Where she can just-"

"Yes," Luke snapped. "I know the risks of bringing her here. That is not for you to stress over. Get on with the meeting."

She got a view of the wide circular room. Four other demigods stood there but it was obvious that the one with green eyes was the leader. Many openings lead to the dark tunnels of the Labyrinth.

The demigod in charge nodded and proceeded to discuss their plans, efforts, and numbers.

Why in the gods name am I here?

She listened while scanning the area in case she needed to bolt. The damned bracelet around her wrist was so annoying. It won't give her the freedom of shadow travelling.

"Which brings us to her," the demigod said, reclaiming her attention.

Luke nodded. "Elora."

"Hm? What?"

"You will be helping me to overrule the gods by-"

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked. "I think I have something in my ear. Or my brain. I didn't hear you correctly. You want me to help you. That's what I heard. Please repeat."

"You heard right the first time. You are going to help me win this cause."

Elora burst into a laughing fit. "I- I, thanks for the good laugh. Seriously though. I needed a good laugh."

A not-so-happy Luke has a smile on his face. Doesn't look like he was amused. "Not a joke. You have so much potential. Your shadows, your skill with weapons and combat. Not to mention your relationship with the god of the sun, Apollo." Luke had a crazed look in his eyes. The gloomy setting of the area only added to her increasing terror. "You can sway him and we will have another god fighting behind us. An Olympian."

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