xxvi. lost in thoughts

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ELORA had been up for the past hour or so, lost in her thoughts as she wandered aimlessly around Geryon's ranch. After her unsettling dream, sleep had eluded her grasp, and she found herself restless and unable to settle her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered from the images that had plagued her sleep.

With her chocolate in hand, she roamed the familiar paths of the ranch, each step accompanied by the rhythmic crunch of gravel underfoot. The night air was cool against her skin, but despite the chill, her mind was consumed with turbulent thoughts. As she walked, she found herself drawn to the open expanse of the ranch's fields, where the stars glittered like diamonds against the velvet backdrop of the night sky. She paused, gazing up at the vastness above her, feeling small and insignificant in comparison.

Her mind raced with questions and uncertainties, each one adding to the weight of her worries. The memory of her dream lingered like a dark cloud overhead. She'd talked to Luke and she didn't know what to make of it. First Luke captured her, then he tried to recruit her and lashed out, and now he's acting all nice again. She once trusted Luke but now Elora didn't know what to make of it. Luke had always been kind to her, offering guidance and support when she needed it most. Was it all an act or did he still care?

Elora wandered until she found a secluded spot near a cluster of trees. It was there that she decided to stop and rest for a while, hoping that the quiet solitude would offer some clarity amidst the chaos of her thoughts.

It didn't.

The thoughts of Luke faded only for her thoughts to veer to the sun god. It was undeniable that Elora felt a pull to the cheery god. There was his warmth- Elora can pretend all she want to but there is no denying that deep down, his warmth was.. nice. She knew Apollo's intentions were more than friendship. What she didn't know was why. Elora turned him down every single time but it never dampened him. She didn't know what's going on but she has full intentions to try and honor Zoe's last words. The stars ahead twinkled as if to remind her. You better get with him in two years. Things were dangerous but silly things like this has a way of making her laugh.

"Hi, Zoe," Elora whispered to the stars and wiped a fallen tear.


The temperature seemed to drop and it's getting really chilly. Gathering some dry twigs and fallen branches, Elora started a small fire, its crackling flames providing a flickering beacon of warmth and light in the darkness. Sitting beside the fire while munching on some of the chocolate, she allowed herself to sink into the stillness of the night, the crackling of the flames the only sound breaking the silence. She threw in a piece for her father but then her thoughts strayed to Apollo.. again.

One piece wouldn't hurt, I suppose.

And so she did just that. Despite her better judgement, she tossed in another piece. "I hope you like chocolate."

In the quiet solitude of the night, Elora found herself slowly untangling the knots of her mind, finding a sense of peace amidst the danger. And as she watched the stars overhead, she felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her, chasing away the shadows of doubt that had clouded her thoughts.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Apollo's voice, soft and melodic, broke the comfort of the crackling wood from the small fire as he appeared behind Elora. His presence was radiant. Wherever he goes, it's like he brings a little of the sun with him.

Elora turned to face him, her heart sipping a beat at the sight of the god of the sun standing before her. His golden aura seemed to dance in the darkness, casting a warm glow around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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