xxiv. dreams

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Percy's POV 

Oh this has got to be a sick joke.

"I told you I will be seeing you soon. Here I am. Did you miss me?" 

"Someone's grumpy tonight." 

Seeing and listening to Luke laugh, acting all nice and friendly with Elora was, to say the very least, strange. 

"Why can't I just have a night of sleep?" I muttered to myself as I observed them. 

Why you ask? Oh you know, just because, a voice in the wind said so. 

I know it sounds crazy but I learned to go with it. And no, I'm still sane.. just demigod stuff—demigod stuff that happens after you've pissed off so many gods they can no longer leave you alone, even for an hour of sleep.

As if the drama I've seen and been a part of isn't enough, some bored god up there somewhere decides to put me here. The wind carried whispers, cryptic messages hinting at events beyond my understanding. 

Or it could be total bull. You never know.


Watching your friend-turned-enemy acting all nice and cute with your sister is just weird.  Luke tried to kill us - kill me - Elle really should reconsider the people in her life, how could she talk to someone who tried to kill me aka her brother? And her friends too of course.

I trailed the two of them for a while until Elora vanished into thin air.

I guess that's what happens when you wake up; you just poof into life, I thought, much like how monsters keep popping up everywhere.

"Come on out Percy. "

Holy Hades.

Luke sighed. "I know you're there." He strolled over and retrieved backbiter. He flipped it over and moonlight reflected off of it. "You're not that good at hiding so might as well come out. "

"It was the pants wasn't it? " I asked, stepping out of the shadows. Might as well get this over with quickly.

Luke stared at my cheetah print pants. I couldn't blame him—probably one of Mr. D's creations. I wondered what I did to annoy him now.

"What are you doing here Percy?" Luke asked, eyeing me cautiously.

"Just went for a stroll," I replied, "with you guys." I forced a smile, hoping he wouldn't decide to use his sword and stab me awake or something


The awkward silence stretched between us, becoming increasingly unbearable.

"You know what," I began, "I'm gonna go and just leave you be."

"Yeah, that's probably for the best," Luke said. "I don't feel like killing you now anyways. Thank Elora for that."

"I- yeah, I still find it weird," I muttered. 

"Scram, Jackson." Luke glared at me. 

And scram I did. 

Out of the dream. 





Gods, why won't you let me sleep?


My dreams shifted and now I'm standing on top of a tower. I could hear the ocean crashing on the rocky shore as the breeze swept through my hair.

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