23 | Slithering

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"Do you think their disappearance is connected with the missing gods?" As we were walking through the outskirts of my mother's land, Raven asked me something.

I shrugged before narrowing my eyes, trying to find suspicious activity. "It's a possibility. If so, what we need to find out is their motive."

Since we all reviewed the faces and the information regarding the missing locals, I'm trying to find someone who might be connected to them.

He put his hands in his pockets. "We've been walking for a few good minutes. Have you found anything?"

I shook my head before sighing. "No one looks suspicious to me. I even went as far as reading their micro expressions, but there's no one who stands out."

"Should we go back to the hotel then-"

I took out a small blade when I felt a surging presence nearby. "Did you feel that?"

Pareho kaming napatingin sa isa't isa. We were thinking of the same thing. That aura felt powerful.

Was it of a god's?

Well, there was only one way to find out. 

We need to chase it.

"I haven't felt this excitement in a long time," I said, stretching my muscles. I spun the blade in my hands as my eyes glowed dull gray.

"Want to know who can catch our prey first?" Raven asked. With a gaze filled with confidence, his eyes glowed storm blue.

Like most of our missions, we tend to have fun. Catching enemies, using our power and solving mysteries are our little game.

Hiro doesn't usually mind as long as we get the job done, so we don't have to worry about anything. A few minutes won't hurt.

As a daughter of a warrior, it would truly wreck my pride if I were to lose to a son of a king and same goes to him.

"Before we do that though, I think we should stop time first as it would be wise to do so-"

Natahimik ako nang mapansin na tumigil na ang oras kahit wala pa akong ginagawa o pinipindot.

I gazed at Raven with a bored look. He held up the device before smirking. "One step ahead of you."

"See you on the other side, genius."

I didn't know what he meant when I suddenly inhaled dust as he ran using his lightning speed. I gritted my teeth as I realized what had happened.

I took a step back using my foot and used that momentum to sprint towards him, and eventually, I caught up.

"Did she go west?" I asked, flying through the crowd of frozen people. "I felt its power from that side."

He nodded, his hair getting messy because of the air. "I should try to stop it down, whatever- or whoever it may be."

Suddenly, I could hear a storm brewing in the distance. Kumulog nang malakas at muntikan na akong matamaan nang kidlat.

That's one way to stop a target.

"For Athena's sake, I'm not your enemy so for once, can you not strike me down with lightning?" I complained, fastening my pace and feeling the presence getting stronger.

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