Royal dutys.

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Timeskip one week later, it's still May.

Soul have been now given an royal duty by Lucifer himself, since she has plant magic, her duty is mosty producing plants to be used in hell by other demons.

Soul duty is wasn't that hard really because she only needs to the wrath ring every once in awhile ifs there isn't enough crops gowing or something.

If a Lucifer and some other royal demons wants some really rare plants that are hard to be grown by other demons but she can grow even the rarest of plants pretty easily.

Anyways Asmodeus ask his daughter if she can grow some exotic flowers, to make Ozzies more appealing.

Soul then grow some beautiful roses and, carefully cut them, then open a portal to Ozzies and walked through it before closing it.

Ozzies isn't open until the next few hours, so it was empty.

So then Soul use her magic to put all of the Rose's in all of the vases that are on the tables for the customers and used her water magic to keep the roses hydrated inside the vases.

Asmodeus then send a text message.

Asmodeus text message.

'Princess, can you use you plant powers to decoration Ozzies a bit.
Thank you 😊

Soul then use her magic to make some vines appear on the ceiling and made glowing flowers grow out of the vine.

Soul then used her magic to leave Ozzies to do some other things.

We see Soul sitting down on a chair in her reading w book on who to combine magic.

Soul and her snakes are reading the book, while Soul have a thought.

Soul thoughts: If I can combine my plant magic and dark magic together, i can possibly make some plants to have dark energy In them.

Soul then concentrated on using her plant magic and dark magic to combine them together to see what will happen.

Soul made a rose grow in a plant pot she was concentrating on.

It has a black stem and it's petals are glowing red.

The rose did nothing for a minute before its started moving it's body and moved it petals to reveal sharp teeth.

The rose look up to Soul, learn towards her and started purring????

Soul: Do you want something to eat little fella?

The sentient rose then shakes its head and Soul get some food to see what's its like to eat.

Later on.

Soul soon found out that her sentient rose likes to eat meat, so she create a carnivorous plant and also found out thanks to dark magic her plant can do things like create copys of its self, can sense heat and can regrow its own bodys parts, for when Soul found out that ability, lets just say there was a incident that she doesn't want to talk adout.

Soul then showed Asmodeus what's she made and Asmodeus was pretty impressed of what she created.

Soul then decided make her carnivorous rose a guardian of their garden of their castle l, Soul got permission from Asmodeus because he also thinks its a good idea to have a possibility powerful carnivorous plant protection their garden.

Of course the carnivorous was being fed by servants who throw meat up to its mouth.

But she does give the carnivorous plant some demon meat every once awhile.

Two months later Its July now.

It's been two month since Soul started her royal duty giving to her by Lucifer.

She has been doing good so far, helping to grow plants for demon and hell animals.

She also worked with one of the prince's of the Ars Goatias, she remembered it being Stolas because she recognised the character from Helluva boss.

It's was something to do with having plant problems she think, but she not sure but it might have something to do with plants or something like that.

She really didn't have to do that much, so she spent that time hanging out, reading books or learning on some things.

Right now she's in the pride ring, growing plants that some overlord want or need for something, the only reason she doing that because of a deal, she grow them what plants they want or need and in return they'll help her get a good book to read.

Also they also said that they some extra demon meat that they are willing to give to Soul.

Of course Soul said yes, hopefully getting a good book to read and some demon that she'll give to her carnivorous plant sounds like a good deal.

It's just the one time job though.

Soul then finished growing a lot of plants that overlord wanted and the overlord kept their part of the deal.

After all they Don want to mess with royalty, especially the daughter of the prince of lust, Asmodeus.

So Soul both got a book and some demon meat to feed her carnivorous plant.

Soul then went home by using her magic to open a portal to get there.

Soul then fed her carnivorous plant some of the demon meat she got and went to put the rest of the demon meat away inside of a walk in freezer they have.

She then went back to her room to read the book she just got from that overlord today.

Soul was having thoughts while reading the book.

Soul thoughts: Huh, this is actually a pretty good book to read so far.
That overlord haven't gave me the bad one from the looks of it.
So, so far, so good for them.

Sometime later.

Soul finished reading the book she got today and put it away with the other books on the book shelf.

Soul then got her self ready for bed and went to sleep in her bed for the night.

This one took some time.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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