The pain games.

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It's been a few weeks since the extermination day happen and Charlie now trying to get sinners redeem and into heaven.

Soul is sent to the warth ring for the pain game and The Harvest Moon festival.

She been going to the pain game and The Harvest Moon festival in the wrath ring since she was eighteen years old.

There reason she there, it because she also have to curse the crops with her magic.

Soul thoughts: I know Stolas is going to be there and The I.M.P will be there as well.

Soul then see's Stolas and Stolas turn ans then he see's her.
Soul get onto the stage waiting for the pain games to start.

Stolas: Hello princess Soul.

Soul then gives Stolas an side eye glance and then decided to answer him.

Soul: Hello Stolas.

Soul then looks around and see no Imps around at the moment because they taking a break.

Stolas goes around to the back and Soul also goes to the back to talk to Stolas privately.

Soul then grabs Stolas clothes and use her magic to make sure that no one will see and hear them.

Soul and her snakes give Stolas an glare before she started talking.

Soul: Listen here, Stolas I know adout your little affair with an Imp and I don't want to be an embarrassment just like you because of what you did!

Stolas: But-.

Soul and her snakes then hissed stopping Stolas from talking.

Soul: No buts, I'm with a succubus and I'm the princess of lust but I have standers and I am not sleeping with an Imp.
So I can sleep around with other demons except for Imps got it.

Stolas then gulped.

Stolas: Yes.

Soul then let's go of Stolas clothing, she and her snakes stop hissing.

Soul put a cheery expression on her face.

Soul: Good, now be a good Ars Goatia and do your job.

Soul then walks away back to the stage while undoing the magic sound proof invisible bubble.

Stolas then sighed.

Stolas thoughts: She is terrifying, I should be careful, she really doesn't want to be embarrassed by anything at all.

Stolas then walks back up to the stage to do his thing.

Greedy imp: Welcome to the Wrath rings annual Harvest Moon festival.

To kick things up we have the great Prince Stolas and the lovely Princess Soul to usher in this year pain gain.

Stolas then grabs the mircrophone from the greedy Imp.

Stolas: * Laughts a bit* How kind, Greetings tiny wrath rings Imps.
We welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your Labour that continues to feed the citizens of hell.

Stolas then pass the mircrophone to Soul.

Soul: We are happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest Imps to show their skills and dominance.

Soul finished and then Stolas took the mircrophone back.

Stolas: So good luck to you all.
Especially that sexy little one there, yo ooh Blitzy.

Soul and her snakes then stares at Stolas in a confuse and disgust.

Soul thoughts: I just feel sorry for that Imp right now.

The pain games started, it's seem that Striker and Blitz(o) are winning and are probably going to win, but for Moxxie he's been bitten by a hell shark and got dog pilled b6 other Imps, but the most funniest bit, is where the hell shark just jump onto Moxxie.

Soul thoughts: Ha ah Haa, omg this is hilarious.

Then the pain games ended and the winners are announced.

Greedy Imp: Woah, in the first time in the pain games, we have a tie.
Our winners are Striker and Blitz(o).

Striker: I would like to take this moment to sing a song I just wrote adout winning.

Soul could hear Moxxie saying " oh come on, what the F***" and just decide to enjoy listening to Striker song.

Stolas then comes on stage with Soul.

The Imps are cheering.

Stolas: My dear commoners of the ring of wrath, I Stolas of the Ars Goatias, here by curse this year Harvest, with the glow of a true Harvest Moon.

Stolas then used his and the magic to open a rift to reveal a glowing red moon.

Its was then Soul turn.

Soul: Now I Princess Soul of the Lust ring, will also curse this year crops by creating this year Harvest tree's.

Soul then use her magic to grow a few huge glowing orange colour tress and they each have different fruit growing from them.

The Imps oohh and then cheered at Stolas and Soul.

Soul then goes back to sit down telling Stolas she need a rest from growing the trees.

But she knows that Striker will try to kill Stolas so it better to stay out of the way just incase.

But nothing else happened after that and the Harvest Moon festival and the Pain games are finished.

So Stolas and Soul return back to their respective homes.

Soul thoughts: I'm just so glad he didn't f****** embarrassed me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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