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Ok, when you have to save the world look at a wall in your room Is not the best thing to do...
So I start repeat the prophecy.
The first line must be reffered to the last one fight for the truth or the sun will never rise again.
Truth or lies...someone was hiding something, but in the most important family of god there were a lot of things to hide.
Death or life...Osiris was the God of life and the one who gave me access to the Ennead, but there wasn't a god of death, I never heard of him. I closed my eyes tring to remember something and I saw part of a memory: there was a tall man, he had pale skin, like a dead body, long curly brown hair and ice blue eyes. He looked scary and powerfull, but something in him was kind. He wasn't looking at me, so I tried to remember more but everything desappeared as quickly as It appared.
"Maybe is one of my childhood memory...I don't remember them and I didn't care" I thought biting my bottom lip.
I shiged, maybe I should focus on Anubis if he was the one who paid the price of my gift. I could ask his parents...
But Nephptys can't talk and I don't want to see her cry, Seth is somewhere in the desert and I don't want to talk with Osiris because: first of all I hate him and second to speak whit him I need Maat's help.
Someone coughed and I jumped in surprise, when I tourn around I saw a tall man with short, curly, blonde hair and blue eyes, other girls could find him attrattive, but I didn't.
-Uhm...hi? How can I help you?- I asked, but I knowed why he was here, he was one of Hator's followers, of course She heard the prophecy from her mother, but why was she here.
He looked at my tring to find the words but I didn't let him speak.
-I don't want you here, but Hator Is tring to be nice, so Just sit and wait for her to enter the room- I ordered him pointing to a harmchiar, he looked at my confused but he sat.
I didn't want a stranger in my room, but I couldn't be rude to Hator in this moment.
Than It hit me: Horus loved to much Seth to live him in danger. Horus maybe knew where Seth was.
But I wasn't going to let a stranger alone in my room, so I just waited for Hator. I changed my clothes, in another room, and searched for some book that could help me.
After an less then an hour Hator entered the room smiling, but her smile almost disapeared when She saw the man sat on the harmchiar and me looking at some books.
-Hator! I'm happy you visited me- I said kindly, she laughted a little.
-Did you understand why he is here?- she asked pointing to the man.
-Yes, but he Is not my type. But thank you for tring- I responded in a calm voice.
-What is your type? I'm curious- she said to me looking at the man.
-Women, non-binary and some men...- I thoughted out loud.
-The next time you will be very pleased-
-No need, I ok like this-
-So...what are you going to do now? You know, with the prophecy- She asked looking around, like she didn't really care, but I cuold see real interest in her eyes.
-I need to ask Horus something that maybe could help me- I said, but I was not sure if It was the right thing to do, I just praied that she wasn't going to follow me.
-Really?- She asked surprised.
-Yes, in fact I have to go-
After some minutes the two left my temple and I went to the lake again, a jumped in to the water and stood up in front of Horus' tample.
It was easy to find him, he was working in the basement, I always thought It was creepy...
When I went down the stairs I saw him looking at some paper on his desk.
-Life is hard for the king of the gods- I sighed smiling, he tourned around quickly, he didn't expet anyone to be in the tample.
-Uffa! I thought my mother was with you, is she here?- he asked tring to look behind me.
-I don't know where she is. I left after the meeting, It didn't go well- I sighed again.
-Did they throw you out the Ennead?- he asked concerned and unhappy.
-No, I just have to save the world for a stupid prophecy-
-Oh...a normal thing-he said with a little smile.
-Yes, another normal day- I smiled back -I need your help-
-Sure- he responded getting up.
-Oh, no, no. I just need to know where Seth is- I said tring.
-Oh, He is with some crazy followers that destroy villages, are you sure you don't want me to come?- I asked sad.
-You have a lot of things to do- I responded.
-Take him with you, he Is my eye- Horus stood up and a falcon followed him.
-He is so cute- I shout.

Ok, teleport is not when you just know that you have to be in a destroied village...It took me like two hours to find it and I was really tired.
Finnaly I saw a big, white tent, I put down the falcon and went inside slowly. It was full of man that tourn to look at me in shock and on a throne there was Seth.

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