23 - little angst

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The morning was strangely silent, more than usual, Horus sighed, too tired to understand why it seemed so surreal.
He got to the kitchen and picked up a bowl of food, he stopped then picked one up for Uffa too. She surely would be hanging around his temple, now she was probably roaming somewhere where she shouldn't be.
He lazily sat on the table and put down the two bowls, starting to eat from his. While he ate, he felt his mind slowly clear until he managed to form a thought.
-Uffa!- he called for the girl in a loud voice that echoed for the temple, no answer.
He tried again, no answer.
He stood up and started to walk, the temple was too silent, she was not sitting in corners nor was she jumping around.
-she is not here- he mumbled to himself.
He spent the next hour walking around and calling different gods, nothing, at some point Thooth walked in the room.
-She disappeared?- he asked concerned -let's hope this is not another of her pranks, last time she stole Anubis' dogs-
Horus bit his bottom lip unsure, he sighed looking around.
-I feel it's different- he mumbled under his breath -Will she came back?-
-she always does- Thooth chuckled and patted his shoulder -maybe you should arrest her this time so she stops doing stupid pranks-

More days passed, no one saw Uffa, everyone was tense but tried to act normal. Some said she had escaped with some foreigner goddess, other that she locked herself in her temple or that she was roaming freely for the desert.
Horus was worried, but he understood something was really wrong when he went to visit Seth and Uffa wasn't there either and hadn't went visit him for a week.
-No one is doing anything?- Seth asked, a int of surprise in his voice.
-Well...she is...- Horus tried to find the words but he couldn't, how to describe the goddess of strange things?
-Annoying? Overly loud? Creepy?- asked Seth raising and eyebrow -he is like this only when he trust someone, they should feel grateful-
-Do you feel grateful?- Horus teased him giving him a small smirk.
Seth glared back, then took a deep sigh.
-There aren't many people who have a good idea of me- he just mumbled looking away and going back to look out of the window.
-I mean, she lets you stay at one of her temples- Horus pointed out looking at the building.
-Yeah- he bit his lip worried, the younger god noticed that and turned to him.
-What's on your mind?- he asked putting a hand on the war god's shoulder.
-Osiris was pretty angry at her...- he whispered, Seth's idea started to form in Horus' mind, what if his father took the matter in his own hands and decided to make sure Uffa wasn't a bother.
-I...- he mumbled stunned...it couldn't be... right? -It's hard to kill a god- he said instead.
-but Uffa is not subjected to our rules, it's part of her power- Seth turned to look at him in the eyes, there was a little sparkle in them, one of worry.
-We could ask Anubis- the younger god tried to assure him.

It took a few days but now Anubis was standing against the wall, the death god raised an eyebrow.
-What?- he turned to Horus -I bet this dumb idea was yours-
Horus glared at him, he was serious -Why is it a stupid idea?-
-Because it's not good to kill a god, Father Osiris wouldn't be this dumb- he shook his head disappointed.
-So Uffa is not in duat? He has been gone for weeks!- Seth said, if you listened close you could hear worry in his voice, the two younger gods noticed it immediately.
-I think I have a clue- Anubis said suddenly, the two turned to him, asking for him to continue -Some of my dogs disappeared-
Horus chuckled, typical Uffa.
-Can you locate them?- Seth asked raising and eyebrow and his son nodded -Good, take us there-

They walked for a few hours in the desert, until they reached a part far away from all the cities, it was a silent place where even the sand stopped and plants started to take control, they couldn't say if it was a big oasis or if the desert actually stopped, Seth hummed unhappy.
-we have to enter- Anubis pointed at the forest in front of them, the older god looked unhappy, that land remember him of how Egypt looked like before Osiris turned it into a desert.
-Let's go- Horus took the lead and entred the woods, there were small colorful flowers everywhere, on the ground, on the trees and some even got out from the river. They looked at this place with curiosity, it was strangely filled with insects, that flew around them. Seth tried to kill some that kept trying to get to his hair but he had to stop when they gave up and flew away.
-What even is this fucking place!- the goat shouted angrily, the plants next to them moved, and they forze ready to be attacked but surprisingly a young kid came out. She was around ten, a flower crown on her golden hair, she looked them up and down.
-Hello?- she said confused by their presence.
-Hello- Horus replayed.
-We are searching for dogs- Seth cut them off, the kid didn't seem to mind and smiled at him brightly.
-The strange ones Uffa took with her or some more normal ones?- she asked, their eyes lit up.
-Uffa is here?- Horus and Seth asked.
-My dogs are here?- Anubis said instead.
The kid nodded happily and waved at them to make them follow her, she walked in the woods for a while, until they reached a white and big temple, people of all the ages were playing and talking around the entry, they didn't spare a glace at the new comers and just let them walk in.
-Uffa!- the kid called out, and the goddess answered by appearing from behind the corner.
-Yes?- she asked, a flower crown around her head too, she saw the three gods and her eyes lit up -Hello!-
The three were stunned, the first to break the silence was Seth.
-You bitch!- he stormed twords Uffa -You just disappeared! And now we find out you where fucking playing with fucking flower crowns with a bunch of bitches!-
The goddess just smiled at him -Aww! You cared-
Horus stepped up trying to calm down Seth -Of Course...-
-I'm here only for my dogs- Anubis interrupted, but no one gave him any mind.
-Came back, I need you to annoy the other gods- Seth told her while grabbing her wrist.
-aww- she laughed softly -that's never my intention-
-Uffa?- an angelic voice came from the corner where Uffa came from.
-Mother! Coming- she smiled and started to walk gesturing them to follow him, they entred a large room with a long table, at the head of the table sat a woman, taller than Ra, her skin and hair green while her eyes were white.
The woman smiled seeing the two new gods, she stoked Uffa's head.
-hello dear, who are your friends?- she gave them a gentle smile.
-Seth and Horus- she said while pointing at each of them, the woman clapped her hands.
-Uffa talked a lot about you two- she chuckled softly standing up to take a better look at them -Are you here to stay?-
-We are here to get Uffa!- Seth glared as he stepped forward.
-oh... really?- she chuckled again.
-Please- Horus begged.
-You all were being rude to Uffa- she said more harshly -Why should I let my child be treated like that?-
Uffa looked away as if trying to hide her feelings from the two gods, they stared at her for a moment.
-They- Horus mumbled and turned to Uffa, he put his hand on her shoulder -They don't hate you...-
-Well they don't act like it- she glared softly.
-They try not to show it but they are worried- Horus took her hand -you don't want to make them worry, right?-
Uffa looked up, she was biting her bottom lip.
-Of Course not- she whispered, she looked back at the woman then looked at the two gods -I'll came back, but not as much as before. I'll came here and maybe stay for some days-
They nodded and Seth spoke -Of Course-

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