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you jump at the sudden aggresive knocking at your door. you assume it's probably someone who's helping you set up your new house, like an electrician, or the person who's moving all your stuff. you get up and walk to the door.


jesus... they really are impatient. you gently open the door...

"hi!! my name's KEL, and i'm your next door neighbour!! i thought i'd come over and you guys a warm welcome, but... i didnt except to meet someone my age!!"

"oh... hi!! my name's Y/N. i haven't made any friends here yet... i just moved in yesterday, so i haven't had the chance to really meet anyone. i'm glad you stopped by!"

"so, do you wanna be friends?!?!" he says, excitedly.

"of course!!"

"YAY!! come on, come on, let's go!!"

"...go where, exactly????" you ask, confused.

"hmm... i dunno!! but i don't really have any good friends here either... well, other than you now!! so i never really have anyone to hang out with... i guess i'm just excited!! so let's go!!"

"but, i'm sure you've lived here for a while?? how don't you have any friends??"

"well..." KEL looks sad. maybe you shouldn't have asked. "i did have friends. we were a very happy group. i wish you could've met them!! but... SOMETHING happened... one of our friends... commited suicide. it brought the group apart and... well... i haven't seen any of them in four years. except for my brother, HERO!!"

...i just met this man, holy fuck???? how is he so happy when THAT'S his backstory?? me personally, that would be my villain origin story...

"oh... i'm so sorry. you seemed like such good friends, i wish i could've met them!! i do hope maybe someday you can reunite."

"it's okay... you can still meet HERO!! tomorrow he comes back from college!!"

"that sounds great," you smile.

"alright, now let's go, for real this time!!"

"give me just a minute!!"

i quickly run back into the house, putting my shoes on. i walk into the kitchen.

"hey, who was that at the door??" my mom asks, sweetly.

"one of our neighbours," i say. "he's my age and invited me to hang out, so i'm gonna head out."

"aww, i'm glad you're making new friends already!! alright, go have fun!!"

"thank you, MOM!! love you, bye!!"

"love you too, sweetie! tell me all about it when you get back!!"

you head out the door once again.

"okay, let's go."

you and KEL walk right past his house, as he rambles about random things like... orange joe and... basketball. he stops at the house on the other side of his, a big and pretty white house with a light brown roof. a small picnic basket with a red and white checkered blanket sits outside next to the door.

"this is.. SUNNY's house. he's one of my friends!! but... he hasn't come outside in four years. his sister... she was the one who..." KEL seems on the verge of tears, but keeps his composure. "but anyway, now's not the time to get sad about it!! everyday i come here in an attempt to get him to come out, but... recently my mom told me that he's moving away soon. these are the last few days he's gonna be here... so i've gotta get him to come out!!"

KEL walks up to the door, determined, and you follow behind him.

"here goes nothing..." KEL knocks on the door, just as aggresive as he knocked on yours this morning. when there's no response, he knocks for a second time... and then a third.... knocking thrice. he starts to lose hope, but keeps going. "so, i... uh... i noticed the 'FOR SALE' sign in front of your house... and i... err... heard from my mom that you were moving away soon. i was wondering... if you wanted to hang out one more time before you go... or whatever... for old time's sake, y'know ?" just after he finished his speech, the door opens slowly. KEL gasps.

"whoa, you actually came out!"

a small, pale, and sickly boy, probably just under five foot, steps outside and closes the door behind him. his face is absolutely emotionless, staring at KEL... and me. it's... uncomfortable, to say the least.

KEL seems speechless "err... i-i mean... okay, i'm going to be honest with you SUNNY. i really didn't expect you to come out today, so i don't really have a game plan here... oh!! i made a new friend, SUNNY!! their name is Y/N, they just moved in right on the other side of me!!"

"hi!! it's really nice to meet you, sunny!"

"yeah!! isn't that funny?? you're... moving out... and they're moving in... right next to me... haha... uh..." this is hard to watch. it's a struggle to make conversation when the other person isn't answering... "anyways... oh!! hey, i know! let's go to HOBBEEZ! it's the hobby shop in FARAWAY PLAZA. you remember the way, right ? we used to go there all the time when we were kids... oh! and Y/N's never been there before! we can show them the town!!"

no response from SUNNY warrants more talking on KEL's side, so i decide to step in and help him a little bit. "well, what are we waiting for?? that sounds fun, so let's go!!"


word count: 869

(A/N: hi!! sorry this is so short... but don't worry, because it's only the prologue!! long chapters will be coming soon. new updates every day, so keep a look out!! enjoy!! bye-bye <3)

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