chapter eight - good ending.

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i wake up, and take a look around. it's still dark outside... i wonder what time it is. everyone's still sleeping except... SUNNY? he's missing from the group, so i decide to look around to see where he might be. maybe he got BASIL to open up the door?? i go to the back hallway of his house and stand up against the door to see if i can hear anything... silence. i accidentally push on the door a little bit... and it opens up. i decide to peek in... it's dark. i can't see much, so i open up the door completely... and i step in. luckily... the light from the moon just outside the window allows me to just barely make out what's lying on the ground before me. i cover my mouth with my hands and scream in terror.

completely ignoring SUNNY, i rush to the sight before me, falling to my knees and checking the pulse of the boy that is lying on the ground, bloody. what the fuck happened here !? he's still alive... but not for long if we don't get him to a hospital, quick. it looks like he's lost a lot of blood.

suddenly, KEL walks into the room. "Y/N...? what are you- ...oh my god. a-are they alive!?"

"BASIL is... but i don't know about SUNNY," i say, on the verge of tears. i have to stay calm... he'll be okay.

"HERO!!" KEL yells, as he runs to the room, accompanied by AUBREY.

"KEL? are you okay? what's-" HERO gasps. "oh my god... are they okay!? what happened!?"

"BASIL's alive... but we don't know about SUNNY. check his pulse!" KEL yells.

"and someone call the police or something, please!! we need help!!" i yell, desperately.

HERO drops to the floor quickly to help SUNNY. "AUBREY, KEL, one of you get POLLY, one of you call somebody!! SUNNY's alive... but they need to get to a hospital, quick!"

AUBREY and KEL frantically run out of the room.

"oh, god... Y/N, what happened !?"

"i don't... i don't know... i woke up and SUNNY was gone, so i went to find where he was... when i came back here, BASIL's door was unlocked... and when i enteted... they were like this."

HERO sighs. KEL comes back, followed by POLLY. she runs to BASIL's side, sitting next to me.

"oh, BASIL... what happened!?"

"we don't know... we just found them like this! do you think... they were fighting!?"

"but... but SUNNY and BASIL are such good friends... why would they!?" KEL asks.

"is there... really any other explanation??"

AUBREY runs into the room. "i... i called the police. t-they... they should be here soon... god..."AUBREY sighs.

we all sit there, by BASIL and SUNNY's side, silently. AUBREY and i crying softly, while HERO, KEL and POLLY keep it together. i brush BASIL's hair away from his face... did SUNNY really do this to him?? and... did BASIL do... that to SUNNY?? i sigh... he was so kind... why would he!? it must've been self defense... right? SUNNY probably came after him... and he had to defend himself. god, when SUNNY wakes up... he'll be in for it. how could he do this to BASIL...?

eventually, the police arrive. they ask us questions, comfort us, and take BASIL and SUNNY to the hospital. HERO and KEL go home, while AUBREY comes to my house to avoid her mom.

when we get there, we tell my mom everything that happened. she comforts us and allows AUBREY to stay for the rest of the night. i give AUBREY a blanket and a pillow, and invite her into my room.

"...i can't believe that happened. i really hope they're okay."

"we all do," AUBREY responds. "what... what do you think happened ?"

new friend, old friend || BASIL x readerWhere stories live. Discover now