chapter eight - bad ending.

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A/N: for all you angst lovers out there. scroll ↓

i wake up, and take a look around. it's still dark outside... i wonder what time it is, everyone's still sleeping. i check my phone. 5:00AM. ugh... i have to go to the bathroom. i stand up and begin to make my way there. when i enter the hallway containing the bedrooms and the bathrooms, i look around... oh. BASIL's door is slightly open. maybe he's finally ready to open up to somebody? i tiptoe over to the door, trying not to make too much noise, in case he's asleep. i stand still for a moment. am i intruding?? i decide i'll just take a quick peek to see if he's okay. i slowly push the door open, and it creaks a bit.

"BASIL?" i call out, softly.

there is no response.

i enter the room, looking over at his bed. there is nobody in it. i look in front of me at the window. i can see something just underneath it, but i can't quite make out what it is.


it takes a minute for my eyes to finally adjust to the darkness of his room, and once they finally do...

i see the horrifying sight that the moonlight from his window illuminates. a scream escapes from my mouth and i stagger backwards, nearly falling to the floor. tears flood my eyes and i know there's no stopping them. i regain my composure before running to BASIL's side, falling onto my knees.

"BASIL..." i manage to choke between sobs.

my hand raises towards his neck to check if he still has a pulse, but do i even want to know? i'm afraid i won't be able to handle the answer. i push two of my fingers down on a spot just below his chin.

this person is not breathing.

"BASIL?? is everything..." HERO pauses. "...oh my god, BASIL... KEL!! KEL, COME HERE!! AUBREY... AUBREY, GET POLLY!! WAKE UP!!"

"HERO?? what's... wrong..." KEL slowly walks towards us. "what... what's going on??"

"Y/N, what happened?!?!" HERO asks me, frantically.

"i-i don't know..." i cry. "i woke up and had to go to the bathroom... but i saw that his door was open. so i came to check on him... and found him... like this."

"oh, BASIL..."

"is everyone okay?? what's wrong??" POLLY runs to the room with AUBREY trailing behind and turns on the light, and when she sees the sight in front of her, her eyes widen in complete shock and horror. "BASIL!!" she runs and falls in front of him, brushing the hair out of his eyes. "BASIL... SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" i can see her blinking back tears, trying to compose herself in front of the children.

KEL runs out to the phone.

i stand up shakily, having to place both my hands on the wall behind me to steady myself. i begin to walk out of the room, leaving everyone else behind, except for one.

"Y/N?? Y/N, wait," HERO follows after me.

i keep walking, trying to force back my tears. this all must be a bad dream, right?! everything is going to be okay... everything is going to be okay... everything is going to be okay... everything is going to be-

i'm spun around and arms wrap around me tightly. tears spill out from my eyes, as i can no longer contain them. after a hug that i wish would have lasted longer, i'm met with a familiar face. "i bet this isn't necessarily how you expected your first few days in FARAWAY to go, huh?"

i only respond with more tears.

"...i'm so sorry, Y/N. everything is going to be okay. i promise you. BASIL will pull through... right?"

new friend, old friend || BASIL x readerWhere stories live. Discover now