chapter six

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i whip around towards the door and immediately run to open it.

"hi, Y/N!! good to see you!!"

KEL, SUNNY, and HERO are standing at the door.

"hey guys!!! what's up?"

"KIM came up to our door today... and apparently... AUBREY isn't coming out of her house. they're worried about her, and... they wanted us to help."

"...and we're seriously going to help them? after all they did to BASIL??"

"no matter what... i still care about AUBREY. she's still our friend," HERO said.

i sigh. "...okay. let's go. i guess i do feel bad for her... even after what she's done."

"alright!! to AUBREY's house we go."

we walk over to AUBREY's house, and when we get there, we see the entirety of her gang standing outside. HERO decides to go up and knock on the door.

"come to think of it... have we ever been inside AUBREY's house before ?"

"i don't think so. she always came to play with us," KEL responds.

HERO knocks on the door once again.

"hello? AUBREY?? is anyone home???"

HERO pushes the door open. "oh! it looks like the door was open. let's go inside."

we step inside the house, and its covered in trash and bottles. cigarette smoke fills the room.

"...are you sure it's... okay... for us to be in here?" i ask.

"i... have no idea," KEL says. "but... it's filthy in here!!"

we walk back and head upstairs, to what seems to be AUBREY's bedroom.

when we enter her room, HERO begins talking to AUBREY. "hey, AUBREY! how are you feeling ?"

she whips around, confused. "w-w-what the hell are you guys doing here!? GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!!"

"we're sorry for intruding..." he responds. "it'll only take a bit. we just wanted to make sure you were okay!"

"...i'm fine!"

HERO walks closer to AUBREY.

"i've been hearing some things... but i just want to hear it from you. can you tell me what happened yesterday?" he interrogates.

"...nothing happened."

KEL steps up, "you pushed BASIL into the lake! you know he can't swim!"

"i-i didn't mean to do that... i just meant to push him away..."


"i said it was an accident!!" AUBREY sighs. "look... i'm sorry, okay!? you're the one that keeps showing up and acting like you're better than everyone!"

"well... you're the one going around bullying BASIL and stealing his stuff!!"

"stop talking like you know anything about that! i keep telling you that it's none of your business."

"but... it is my business. you... you and BASIL... and SUNNY and HERO... and MARI... you were my best friends..."

"alright, alright," HERO intervenes. "i see the problem here... this is just your typical KEL and AUBREY fight. just make up, you two... you've done it so many times before! ...hey. these are the missing photos of MARI!" he notices.

"they're... they're all i have left of her..."

"but you know it's still not right of you to take them from BASIL. these photos belonged to him."

new friend, old friend || BASIL x readerWhere stories live. Discover now