chapter one

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SUNNY, KEL, and i begin walking to HOBBEEZ. KEL is walking with a purpose, cheerfully, while SUNNY is walking, staring at the ground, emotionless. such a big difference in personality... i wonder how they were ever friends...

eventually... we get to HOBBEEZ. KEL leads the way inside.

"well... here we are at HOBBEEZ! it's probably been a while since you were here... but it hasn't really changed all that much! it's all the same old stuff... CAPT. SPACEBOY games, SWEETHEART movies, a few PET ROCKS... except they're vintage now!"

"this place is super cool!! i never had a store like this back at home..." i said with amazement.

"actually..." KEL begins, "since we're here, i should probably buy a gift for HERO. he's in college right now, but he should be coming back sometime tomorrow. he's studying to be a doctor, so maybe i should buy him... some medicine? no, that's a horrible idea. you should help pick out the gift, SUNNY. and you too, Y/N! let's look around and see what there is!"

SUNNY immediately leads us to the back of the store, a section with a bunch of books, as if he knew exactly what he was going to pick before he even got here. KEL looks shocked when SUNNY picks up a book to show him.

"this.. yes! this is perfect! PAPA CHIP'S CHIP-OFF-THE-OLD-BLOCK COOKBOOK! wow, that's a mouthful."

"you brother likes to cook?" i ask.

"yep!! HERO had a copy of this when we were kids, but our dog, HECTOR, destroyed it. he's going to be so happy when he sees this..." KEL seems very impressed and pleased by SUNNY's choice. "but before that... we need to ask the most important question! how much... does it cost?" KEL flips over the book to look at the price on the back. his eyes widen when he finds it. "$20.00!? this is extortion!" he checks his pockets. "shoot! i forgot my wallet at home... err... can you spot me, SUNNY ? i'll pay you back, i promise." SUNNY searches through his pockets and hands KEL the $20.00 needed for the PAPA CHIP'S CHIP-OFF-THE-OLD-BLOCK COOKBOOK. wow... KEL was right. that really is a mouthful. "thanks, friend! i knew i could count on you!" KEL says happily.

we walk towards the desk in the middle of the store. the man standing there immediately recognizes KEL and initiates conversation.

"KEL! how've you been buddy, it's been a while since you've come around, hasn't it? ah, that's PAPA CHIP'S CHIP-OFF-THE-OLD-BLOCK COOKBOOK! i see you have good taste."

"yeah, my brother used to follow his recipes all the time! his cookies were my favorite," KEL responds.

"it's rare that i see another fan of PAPA CHIP's work! that'll be $20.00, please!"

KEL hands him the $20.00 bill, and SHOPKEEP scans the book and puts the $20.00 into his register.

"thank you, kind sirs! and... um... you. why haven't i seen you around here before?? are you new here?"

"ah, yeah..." i say, shyly. "i just moved in yesterday."

"i see! well, i hope you enjoy your time here!! FARAWAY TOWN is such a great community."

"thank you," i respond, as SUNNY leads us out of the store.

"thanks a lot, SUNNY! i'm sure HERO will love this! so... where do you wanna go now, you two ? guess there's really not much to do around the suburbs, huh? ...oh! how about FARAWAY PARK? yeah, the park!"

"park?? i've always loved parks. i loved going on picnics back in the local park where i used to live... although i was always alone, it was still fun."

"yeah!! MARI liked picnics, remember SUNNY? we used to go to our spot in the trees... and you two would bring over the picnic basket, and we'd spend all day there! sigh... i miss the good old days. anyways, we passed it by on the way there. let's go!"

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