chapter four

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i wake up to a sudden knocking on the door. that must be KEL. i attempt to quickly get myself a little bit ready, and eventually i hear the knocking stop. i wonder if he left... that's okay. i can catch up with him. he'll probably go to SUNNY's house next. i walk downstairs.

"hey, Y/N! your MOM let me in the house!! why didn't you tell me how nice she is!?"

"oh- hi, KEL. she's very glad i'm making new friends... and i am too! when's HERO coming back from college?"

"tonight, around dinner time. i have to go to the store to get some stuff for when he comes back... so let's go get SUNNY and head to FARAWAY PLAZA!!"

"alright, let's go!!"

"bye, MRS. L/N!! it was nice meeting you!!

"oh- goodbye, Y/N!! goodbye, KEL! it was nice meeting you too, dear!!"

KEL and i walk outside and start to head towards SUNNY's house.

"your mom is so nice!! and kinda..."

"oh my god KEL do NOT say what i think you're going to say."

he laughs and we arrive at SUNNY's house. he steps up and knocks on the door repeatedly.

"helllooo? helllllloooooo?? SUNNY? are you there??"

finally, SUNNY opens up the door and steps outside.

"HI, SUNNY!! top of the morning to you, heh heh."

KEL's excited to see SUNNY, but i'm not. he doesn't know what SUNNY's done... how could he just leave BASIL in the bathroom like that!?

"well... more like noon, actually. it turns out HERO's not coming back until around dinner today, so i thought i'd drop by a little later. oh- and Y/N's here too," he says, stepping aside to show me.

all i do is stare him with the same blank expression that he stares me with, arms crossed. he knows i heard and saw everything.

"anyway... MOM is having me buy some stuff at FARAWAY PLAZA before he comes back, and... i thought it might be more fun if we went together!! do you want to come along, SUNNY? of course you do! come on... LET'S GO!!"

KEL is leading SUNNY and i to FARAWAY PLAZA, but as we pass by FARAWAY PARK, i spot a familiar face.

"hey, KEL!! there's BASIL, should we go say hi?"

"oh, yeah!! let's go!!"

"hey, Y/N! and KEL... oh... and... hey, SUNNY..."

"hi BASIL!! it's nice to see you."

"yeah! are you feeling better after yesterday?" KEL asks.

"huh? y-yesterday?" he seems worried. "w-what do you mean?"

"you had a big stomach ache, didn't you? that's why you had to go to the bathroom??" KEL's obviously trying to get the real reason he went to the bathroom... and he'll probably ask me about it later, too.

"a-ah... oh, right... yes, i feel much better now..."

"did you want to hang out with us today? SUNNY's not going to be around for much longer, you know..."

"...i don't know..." BASIL responds, hesitantly. "m-maybe tomorrow? sorry..."

"aww... don't worry, you don't have to force yourself. we can always catch up later." KEL says, and i nod, with a reassuring smile towards BASIL.

"...yeah, you're right... o-okay... see you later then, i guess..."

"see you later, BASIL!!" i say, waving, as KEL leads us away and towards FARAWAY PLAZA. he shyly waves back before turning around.

new friend, old friend || BASIL x readerWhere stories live. Discover now