chapter two

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as i walk away from BASIL's house, i think about AUBREY. how could she be so cruel?? i hope she wasn't always like this... how could they ever be friends with someone so mean? i sigh. SOMETHING really is wrong here... maybe it's about more than just... MARI...

i walk to FARAWAY PLAZA and find KEL and SUNNY playing with pet rocks out front of HOBBEEZ.

"hi, KEL! hi... SUNNY..."

"Y/N!! how was it walking BASIL home?? everything go smoothly??" KEL asks cheerfully, while SUNNY... doesn't even acknowledge me. honestly? it's better than him staring at me with his creepy emotionless expression...

"for the most part, yeah! but... he needs help. from us. AUBREY... AUBREY stole his photo album."


"that's what i said!! why is she so mean?? what did BASIL... or even you or SUNNY... ever do to her!?"

KEL sighs. "i'm not sure. after... MARI passed... she dyed her hair pink and became all rebellious. i don't know why she suddenly became so mean... or why she targets BASIL. but... we're going to get that photo album back!! mo matter what it takes." KEL seems determined, "come on, you two!! there's no time to lose!! we got a photo album to find. let's check FARAWAY PARK for clues!!"

KEL leads the way, as you and SUNNY trail behind. you're hoping this won't lead to another big fight with AUBREY... and that you can just get the photo album back peacefully.

we enter FARAWAY PARK, and SUNNY leads the investigation. we begin looking around the park, but to no avail. eventually, we find a very tall woman next to two scooters. those scooters... oh!! she must be part of AUBREY's little bully group. KEL decides to interrogate her.

"wait! i know you. your name's CHARLIE, right? i see you hanging around AUBREY sometimes. you know where she is?"

CHARLIE gives no response. i sigh, shes just like SUNNY...

"you know, CHARLIE..." KEL tries to persuade her. "i can tell you're not really the mean type of person. AUBREY took something important from BASIL and we need to get it back. is there any way you can help us?"

CHARLIE walks over to a tree and whacks it hard, causing a smaller male to fall out of it.

"WHO, WHAT, AND WHERE NOW!?" he says, spinning around. "WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?" eventually, he notices KEL, SUNNY, and i. "ah. if it isn't KEL, that weird knife guy, and... um... you. worthy adversaries for the great and mighty ANGEL. finally, it is time for you to meet your doom!"

KEL sighs. "ANGEL, we don't have time for this... we just want to find AUBREY. do you know where she is?"

"you seek AUBREY, do you? i will tell you what i know... but first, you must best me in battle!!"

"b-battle!?" KEL stutters. "but i don't wanna punch a kid."

ANGEL seems appalled at his words. "you wont be able to lay a finger on me. COME ON, LET'S SICK 'EM, CHARLIE!"

"look, ANGEL. we don't have time for this. tell us where AUBREY is, or i'll tell everyone about the time you wet your bed at summer camp," KEL threatens.

"h-huh!? w-w-w-what!? you can't do that! that's cheating!! a-anyway... i really don't know! maybe you can ask my master... THE MAVERICK. he's the keeper of all knowledge! he told me that himself!"

"T-THE MAVERICK? oh no... you mean that weird kid, MIKHAEL?"

ANGEL jumps. "don't you dare call him by that name!! he would take great offense to that."

"i see... so... it is him... where can i find MIKHAE-, i mean, uh, THE MAVERICK?"

"i'll tell you what i know... but... you'll have to fight me first!!"

new friend, old friend || BASIL x readerWhere stories live. Discover now