chapter five

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"is this... real life?"

"we won, master! we won!"

"serves you right, nerds."

"KIM... i'm hungry... let's go get some food."

"heh... KEL... SUNNY... get the hell out of here... and take your new little friend, and that blonde wimpy baby with you."

"whoa... we really did it! the evil foes have been defeated!!"

"...sorry, SUNNY... why did i think we could take on six people at once? even if they're a bunch of dweebs..."

"it's over, KEL. leave this place. you don't belong here anymore."

" i won't! i can't just leave here knowing that this is the person you've become. i mean... what would MARI think!?"

"why do you keep bringing her up? do i have to keep saying it? MARI's already dead!"

"i don't know how AUBREY can be so... cold, and... disrespectful, and... heartless..." i whisper to BASIL.

"can you stop it with that? and while you're at it, drop the tough guy act, too! i don't believe you when you say you don't care about us anymore. you have all your new friends now but you're still hanging out at our old hangout spot." KEL remarks. "do i really have to spell it out for you??"

"don't listen to him, AUBREY! he's just spouting shit like usual. right... AUBREY?"

AUBREY doesn't respond.

ANGEL sighs. "this isn't fun anymore... i wanna go home. let's get out of here!"

"you coming, AUBREY?"

AUBREY doesn't respond.

"oh, okay... catch you later, then."

the gang grabs their scooters and go home, leaving only AUBREY behind.

AUBREY turns around to look at KEL and SUNNY. she falls to her knees and screams, very loudly might i add. "why!? why do you guys keep coming back!? i just want you to leave me alone! SUNNY... why ? why did you show up now?"

i can't help but feel bad for the girl, no matter how mean she may be. obviously MARI's death really fucked her up...

"we just want you to stop messing with BASIL!" KEL yells. "what's your deal with him all of a sudden!? you used to be friends! we all used to be..."

"you think i'm the bully, but you're all messed up too... where were you when MARI died? WHERE WERE ANY OF YOU!?" she yells, standing up.

AUBREY turns around and storms over to BASIL and i, and backs him up onto the dock over the pond. "and you... you're the worst, BASIL. how dare you still show your face to me after what you did!?"

i walk up behind her.

"get away from him, you crazy bitch. don't fucking touch him."

"you don't get to tell me what to do... i don't even know you." she says, without even turning to look at me.

"but you know BASIL. and you have absolutely no right to speak to him that way."

"you can't tell me how i treat people! you don't know what he's done! he acts all fucking innocent, but he isn't! ...not at all."

"...anything he's done can't possibly be as bad as what you've done."

AUBREY laughs and turns to face me.

BASIL walks up behind AUBREY and puts his hand on her shoulder. "AUBREY, i-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" she yells, turning around and pushing him right into the lake. he screams for help right before he goes under the water.

new friend, old friend || BASIL x readerWhere stories live. Discover now