Class 1-A Students Turn Evil (Part 2)

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"Alright, so who should we target next?" Mr. Compress asked Midoriya using Uraraka's voice, quietly whispering so Iida wouldn't hear them talk as they walked to school together.

"Well, Iida doesn't have the ideal quirk, but he'd be the easiest one to capture," Toga quietly whispered back in Midoriya's voice, thinking about it deeply.

Toga knew their ideal candidates would be Todoroki and Bakugo, but beyond that they weren't very sure. Most of the students showed promise, but none of them were nearly as powerful as those two. As long as they took over both of their bodies, she was sure that the others wouldn't matter too much. Iida was fast anyway, so that would definitely help in their fight against All Might.

"You're right. And Twice is the next one scheduled for a body takeover anyway, I'm sure he'd do well as Iida. Their personalities seem a bit similar. As long as Shigaraki controls Bakugo, it doesn't matter who gets who," Uraraka agreed, nodding.

"What are you guys whispering about over there? Something to do with our exams, I hope," Iida suddenly blurted out.

"Oh, nothing! Nothing at all!" Midoriya loudly responded, waving his hands around.

Toga was getting better at impersonating Midoriya, though sometimes she couldn't help but break character. He was a nervous wreck, so as long as she acted over-the-top to everything that happened around her, she felt confident the others would buy it.

Mr. Compress, however, had a difficult time channeling his inner school girl. He tried his best, but whenever he tried to impersonate the good-natured, bubbly Uraraka, his impression fell flat.

"Yeah, it was nothing important," Uraraka agreed, her voice sounding unusually neutral.

Iida noticed, turning towards her.

"Uraraka, you seem upset. Is something wrong?" he asked, remembering his own experience with his brother.

Did something like that happen to her too? He couldn't bear the thought. He resolved in his mind that if any of his friends were going through something difficult, he was going to help them through it.

"No, no I'm perfectly fine, Iida! Just a bit tired is all! I appreciate your concern, though!" Uraraka exclaimed, Mr. Compress doing his best to sound cheery.

Iida however, was not fooled. He knew something was wrong. Midoriya was acting more normal today than he was yesterday, but his gestures and facial expressions were completely uncharacteristic. And now Uraraka too...something was going on and he was determined to get to the bottom of it. I'll keep a close eye on them today, he thought to himself.

The three of them finally made it to class, most of the students already there, making a ruckus.

"I told you two to study! What the hell have you been doing??" Bakugo shouted at Kaminari and Kirishima, looking at their terrible scores from yesterday's test.

"I did study, that's why I wasn't dead last!" Kirishima answered proudly, as if that were some sort of accomplishment.

"I couldn't stay awake..." Kaminari muttered, staring blankly at his paper as if he were used to having the worst grade in class.

"IDIOTS! DO I HAVE TO TEACH YOU MYSELF???" Bakugo screamed back at them, absolutely fuming with rage that his friends were so stupid and incompetent.

"Would you??" both Kaminari and Kirishima asked excitedly, getting closer to Bakugo's desk.

"If you morons don't have anyone else to tutor you, then I guess I'll have to do it!" he exclaimed, pushing them back.

Bakugo was about to say more, but then he noticed Midoriya walk into the classroom. Both of them met eyes, Bakugo glaring at him from a distance while Midoriya gave him a chilling grin in return.

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