The League of Villains Pull a Prank

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Shigaraki, Toga, Kurogiri, Twice, Mr. Compress and Dabi all sat around the bar in their hideout. Most of them were doing something, but Toga didn't have anything to do. She made an exasperated sigh and leaned back on her stool.

"UGH this is so boooooring!" she complained, looking over at Dabi, "I didn't join the League of Villains just to sit around! Let's do something!"

Dabi gave her an annoyed look but didn't say anything. Shigaraki shook his head.

"Be patient, Toga, your fun will come soon enough. Kurogiri and I just have to put the pieces in place first," he said, his voice raspy.

"But I wanna do something now," Toga whined, taking out one of her knives, "Come on, Twice, let's go see if Izuku is around!"

"Sure, I'll go! (I don't want to)!" Twice replied in his signature, confusing style.

Toga sighed.

"Jeez you guys really are boring. Maybe I'll do something by myself," she announced, getting up.

"Hey now, don't go anywhere by yourself! With All Might around, you might get yourself caught!" Mr. Compress said, getting up too, "If you insist on going somewhere, then I'll go with you!"

"I'll pass. (I'll go too)!" Twice said, also getting up.

"You guys are so annoying," Dabi muttered.

"Dabi, you could help us too. We'd need the firepower. Our quirks aren't really good for offensive strategies," Mr. Compress pointed out.

Dabi's eyes flickered at the thought of using his quirk. It physically pained him to use it, but it pleasured him to watch people writhe in agony as they burned. He sighed.

"Fine. Where are we going?" he asked.

"You're all staying right here in this building! We can't risk any of you getting caught at a time like this! In order to pull off Bakugo's kidnap, we need all of you!" Shigaraki ordered, turning around to point at them.

"Aw man! We were so close!" Toga said quietly, mostly to herself.

But then a mischievously evil idea came to her mind. She grinned, putting her knife back in its holster.

"Actually, Shigaraki's right. We have to stay inside."

Toga pulled Twice and Mr. Compress aside, whispering her delightful plan to them. Both of them nodded, and though she couldn't see their faces behind their masks, she knew they were grinning too.

"Um, Shigaraki sir? I have to use the bathroom. (No I don't)! I'll be right back," Twice announced, slipping through a door that leads further into the building.

"Uh, me too!" Mr. Compress said following them.

"I think I will too!" Toga agreed.

"Kurogiri, make sure none of them leave the building," Shigaraki commanded in an irritated tone.

"Of course."

Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress all huddled together in an empty hallway close to the door to their hideout. Their idea was simple, but they couldn't agree on how to carry it out. Finally, they settled on a plan. It seemed their quirks were good for more than they thought.

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