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"Excuse me, may I help you:" Ryker asked as he caught me looking at his phone. I can't help but be curious, he's always typing on that damn thing and it bothers me. Be in the moment, the millennials are too focused on their damn cell phones.

Oh my God, I sound like my mother.

I flushed, looking out the window. "Well I just wanna know who you're always texting." I grumbled, pouting a little bit.

"Is this the jealousy again?" He asked chuckling.

"Well how can I not be jealous? You're my...my.." I trailed off. We're not anything, we're not dating so really, I have no right to be jealous. But still, we're still something, and we should be exclusive to each other in my opinion. We never talked about that
sort of stuff though, so I can't expect him to know what I'm thinking.

"I'm your..." He urged.

"Nothing, Never mind." I grumbled.

"If you want to get jealous then just date me, then you can be jealous all you want." He said smirking.

"No." I said, getting out of the car. That's just his way of trying to pressure me into dating him. I don't want to label it just yet. I mean I do but...I dunno. I'm stubborn. I wanna do it on my own time.

"Fine." He said, jogging to catch up to me. "I'll tell you."

"Will you really?" I asked, smiling. He nodded and I smiled wider. He pulled me into the building so that we wouldn't be waiting out in the cold, stepping into line.

I took a huge whiff as I stepped in, the smell of popcorn filling my nostrils. I felt my stomach grow at this. Some popcorn with extra butter would be so fire right now.

"I'm texting my childhood friend." He said smiling.

"Do I know them?" I asked.

"No. They moved away before we hit high school. We
never went to the same school, but they lived a few houses down from me. They were just over the district line, which sucked, but we used to hang out all the time." He said smiling.

"Oh yeah? What's their name?" I asked.

"Riley. Enough about that though I wanna focus on you today." He said as we approached the register. He bought our tickets and we went into the theater, sitting all the way to the top in the middle. Perfect seats. The movie wasn't that popular I guess because there weren't many people in the theater, especially for a Friday.

The movie started and Ryker grabbed my hand, smiling at me. It was little bit hard to focus on the movie when our hands were touching but I tried my best.

Through most of the movie I was actually watching it but maybe halfway through he let go of my hand and moved his hand to my upper thigh.
I immediately tensed up, looking over at him. He was smirking, but still looking at the movie screen as if he wasn't doing anything.

"Ryker" I whispered. He didn't answer, just smirked

"Ryker!" I tried again. Nothing. Fine, wanna play that game, two can play at that.

I put my hand on his thigh, further up than where his was, and he gasped. It was super quiet, but I heard it. Yeah, not so great now that the shoe is on the other foot huh?

I moved my hand further up, my finger brushing against his bulge lightly. He but his lip, opening his legs a little wider.

What the fuck am I doing? I know he was teasing me but I'm taking it too far...right?

But 1 can't stop. And I won't. I'll just blame it on the
teenage hormones.

"Mason what're you doing?" He breathed quiedy. I kept running my band up and down his bulge, listening to his breathing getting heavier

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