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"Ryker." Rachel said, walking into Rykers room. We were sprawled out on the bed after an intense Mario Kart race, laughing to ourselves.

"Yes Rachel?" Ryker said sitting up,

"Uh, she's here." She said, her body shaking, I sat up quickly, looking at her.

"Who's here?" I asked, but I knew exactly who it was
without asking. She sighed, crossing her arms. That was my confirmation.

"I'm going to beat her ass." I said, standing up quickly. This girl has some fucking nerve showing up a in his house after all this fucking time. What kind of best friend are you dumb hitch?

"No, stop." Ryker said, grabbing my hand and pulling me down so that I was sitting. "I'm going to talk to her."

"I'm going with—"

"Alone." He waid sternly, standing up. I rolled my eyes, petting a little pissy. Why can't I go with him?

"Okay, but the second she tries something slick just call my name and I'm on her like white on rice." I said, He chuckled, kissing me on the forehead before leaving the room. She better not try anything

"You're really just gunna let him go down there by himself!" Rachel hissed, looking around nervously.

"I don't have a choice." I said, and it's true. I just have to trust him.



I closed my bedroom door behind me, letting out a big breath. My hands were shaking, and not from nervousness. From anger.

This bitch. She drugged me, and I'm trying not to storm down the stairs and punch her in her mouth. I'm trying to keep calm.

But you cannot blame me. This is a girl I thought was my friend, I thought she cared about me, but no. It was just a game for her, and all she wanted to do was win, to take me from Mason.

I walked down the stairs, and once I got to the bottom I spotted her. She was standing in the foyer, her arms crossed. She was dressed in sweats and a tee shirt, looking around nervously.

I walked towards her, and once she spotted me she visibly relaxed. "Oh thank God you're okay." She said, smiling lightly.

"Oh, you actually care?" I asked, making her smile
immediately drop from her features.

"Of course I care, why wouldn't I?" She asked, looking confused.

"Well you didn't give me that impression when you drugged me and then left me to die when I was having a seizure." I snapped. She flinched, taking a step back.

"I know. And I feel terrible about it." She said.

"You should. Why would you even drug me in the first place? I wouldn't even think you were capable of something that crazy." I said. "I trusted you."

"I don't know okay. I just wanted you to relax and and do stuff with me without you worrying about Mason." She said, her face turning pink. "I didn't think it would have that much if an affect, it's a party drug, and I've taken it before so I thought it was safe."

"But Riley, Mason is my boyfriend. How many times do I have to tell you that for you to get it through your sick head. You made him break up with me!" I said, getting a litte upset. This is all because she wanted me to have sex with her? Is this a joke?

"But you're obviously back together so it's fine." She said. I growled, balling up my fists. The way she's brushing this off is getting me tight.

"It's not fine Riley! I trusted you! You were someone I thought was my best friend, someone who actually gave a fuck about me. But no, I was wrong. You could care less about me." I said.

"I do care about you Ryker!" She said.

"Bullshit." I snapped. "You drugged me! And then when I was having a seizure you left me! And when I was in the hospital you didn't come see me. So you think I'm going to believe you care about me days after I come home?"

"Ryker I didn't know what to do! I came here to apologize but I didn't want to say anything before that because I didn't want to get screamed at like I am now." She said.

"I don't care! You obviously don't give a fuck about me.

"I do!"

"No. You don't. I don't give a tuck what you were scared of Don't you think I was scared when I woke up in a hospital room. Don't you think I was scared when I was drugged and you molested me? Do you ever think of anyone besides yourself" I asked.
She didn't say anything just let the tears that were building up in her eyes fall over onto her cheeks. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Get out." I said frustrated. I should be the one crying if anything, I almost died.

"W-What?" She asked, looking surprised.

"Get out, Get out of my house right now." I said

""Ryker I'm sorry. Don't just tell me to get out please talk to me. I want to fix this!" She begged.

"I've talked to you. Now I'm done talking. Get out." I said.

"Ryker I love you." She said, biting her lower lip. I looked at her, a little taken aback. I guess she took that as her cue to keep talking.

"I love you. I always have, from the very beginning. I
haven't said anything because I didn't think you would return my feelings. But I love you. So much." She said, her voice a little shaky

"I loved you too Riley. Just not in that way. You were
always a friend to me. I've always and only ever been in love with Mason. I should've told you this sooner, but Mason is the only person for me, and I plan to be with him the rest of my life. The life that you almost cut short." I said.


"And I don't want to see you anymore. Somcone who can drug me and not give a shit until days later isn't a friend to me." I said.

"Ryker..." She said sadly.

"And you owe someone else an apology." I said. "My

"For what?" She asked.

"Oh, I don't know, for trying to take me away from him and making him break up with me. And for all the worry you put him through." I said

She said nothing, so I called his name and he came
bounding down the stairs, looking ready to fight.

"Did she try anything:" He asked, shooting her a dirty look.

"No. She has something to say to you." I said.

He raised a brow at me, then directed that look at her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for fucking up your relationship." She snapped.

"That's not much of an apology." He said. Riley growied, then sighed in defeat.

"I'm sorry." She retried. "I'm sorry for coming here and ruining everything you guys had. I'm sorry for putting Rykers life at stake for my own seltish actions. I'm sorry I fell for Ryker. I'm sorry for everything."

She didn't even give Mason a chance to say anything back to her before she stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

"Well, I wasn't going to accept her apology anyway." He said shrugging. I rolled my eyes, smirking at him
"You okay?" He asked me, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, but as I said that I kinda felt a bit choked up. Even though she did me absolutely dirty in the worst way, she was still my friend for years. And she literally just walked out of my life.

"Hey, it's alright." He said. I nodded, hugging him I sighing. I rested my head on his shoulder, holding him closely.

She's gone now for good, and now I can focus on my life. My real best friend. The person who cares for me more than anyone in this world besides my mother. My love.


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