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"That was so creepy." Rachel said as the credits rolled.

"Now let's watch a funny one!" Riley said.

"I want snacks, I'm hungry. And there's no food in this house." Ryker whined.

"Okay, I guess I'll go on a snack run." I said quickly,
standing up. I need to get away from these people, and by these people I mean Riley, for a little bit.

"I'll go with you, you and I have to get to know each other a little better anyways bro-in-law." Rachel said giggling.

"Okay, you can come." I said chuckling.
"Well be right back. Don't try anything while I'm gone."

"Can't guarantee that." Riley said laughing. Ryker said nothing, just rubbed his temples.

"You okay?" I asked, caressing his face lightly, earning a dirty look from Riley. She got one more time to give me a look like that before I pop her in her mouth.

"Mmm." He hummed.

"Have you taken your pills today?" Rachel asked.
"Oh shit, no." He said, getting up quickly. We stood there in silence for a little while before he came back with a cup of water and a bottle of small pills.

"Hold this." He said to me, handing me the cup of water. I took it and he shook out two pills on his hand, popping them in his mouth. He took the water, chugging it and smiling.

"There, all done." He said.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes princess, I'm fine." He said. I looked at him for a few long seconds before nodding. I pecked him on the lips quickly, smiling.

"Alright. Bye." I said, walking out of the room with Rachel.

"'You're really leaving them alone?" Rachel asked quietly. Okay, so I'm not the only one who has suspicions about that girl, good to know.

"Yeah. Ryker loves to complain that I don't trust him so I'm trusting him. And if something happens I'm having his whole ass." I said

We made it all the way outside before I realized something. "Oh shoot, I forgot my cellphone." I said as I patted my pockets,

"Go get it, I'm going inside too though, I'm not staying outside alone, it's cold." She said. I turned and walked back into the house, Rachel hot on my heels.

She turned into the kitchen, going straight to the fridge. I stopped, giving her a look.

"What? I'm hungry." She said innocently. I just chuckled, continuing to the living room

"Hey, I forgot—"

We were all frozen, unmoving. Riley was currently on top of Ryker is some type of lingerie get up while Ryker was still clothed, but his pants were unbuttoned.

I wouldn't have been mad at Ryker for this is he was resisting her. But he was kissing her. And touching her, making my blood absolutely boil in anger.

He saw me, shoving Riley off of him violently, almost
knocking her on the ground, looking at me. I snatched my phone up off the coffee table, stepping away from them.

"'Mason it's not what it looks like." Ryker said shakily, as he quickly tried to button his pants. He stood, walking towards me. Well, attempted, he could barely walk straight. So he was drunk on top of it? Great, just fucking Fantastic. When did he drink alcohol, was his cup alcoholic on purpose? I was gone for like a minute tops! How did they move that fucking fast?

I just shook my head, the sound of my heart pounding in my chest drowning out whatever he was saying to me. Is this reallY happening right now? Please someone tell me this is an awful nightmare that just feels super duper real.

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