Chapter 12

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(Seokjin's POV)

We have been laying on the bed for about three hours. The heating pad seems to be helping her since she hasn't winced from the pain. She continued to sleep peacefully on my chest. I need to tell her how I am feeling! I don't know how much longer I can take not saying anything. What if she is the one. As in my mate. She could be! And I want to tell her! But I can't wake her up. She is in a lot of pain and that would be selfish. I just tried to relax myself, i wasn't doing ok on my own until Y/N nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck. That made me relax in an instant. It's like she put me under a spell. Her cell phone (I think that is what it's called) kept vibrating. UGH! It's so annoying. I just tried to ignore it. I then felt her moving around a bunch, so I looked down at her. Her nose was scrunched up. She must be in more pain. I feel really bad. I started stroking her hair to relax her. It wasn't going to help the pain level but it's to help her relax. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked at me. "Oh sorry did I wake you?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, it's just my stomach hurts like hell. And I couldn't stay asleep, sorry I was laying on you." "oh no it's not a problem, if you feel comfortable feel free to use me as a pillow anytime!" she laughed. "Thank you! You're soft like a pillow too!" I blushed at her comment. Aish this girl. Should I tell her now? "Hey Y/N?" she looked up at me "ya?" "Do you mind if I tell you something?" "yea sure! Go ahead!" Here I go. "What if I told you I maybe kinda sort of fell for you?" she looked taken aback from the question.

(Y/N's POV)

"What if I told you I maybe kinda sort of fell for you?" what!! He fell for me? Oh my gosh. "R-really?" "yea. What if I told you I see you as my mate?" what the fuck does that mean??? "I'm sorry?" "ah! Right, sorry. A mate is like a 'vampire's solemate'." I mouthed an oh. Do I think of him that way? I looked him in the eye. His beautiful eyes, his plump lips, his beautiful smile. I love everything about him. I think I do. "What if i told you that i maybe sort of see you the same way?" his face lit up in an instant. "Really?!" "yea, what if I said I wanted you to be my mate?" his smile widened. "Then there would be one thing left to do then!" I looked at him confused. "We would have to mark each other in a special spot which will be our 'mate mark'!" He looked so happy. "Ok! So should we do it now?" he nodded ezcitetly. I've never seen anyone so happy. "You want me to go first? Or do you?" "uh you can" i dont know how this works.

(Seokjin"s POV)

OH MY GOD!! Yess!! Time to seal our bond! I leaned my head over to her and bit her neck. Once I finished I lifted my teeth off her smooth skin. I licked off the blood and I finished. I marked my Initials on her neck. KS. She looked at it in awe. "I love it! My turn!" she leaned over to me and bit the same spot on my neck. When she was done she licked the blood away. I looked at the mark that had her initials. L (your first letter of your first name). "I love it! Shall I call you baby now?" she laughed. "Sure if you want to!"

(Y/N's POV)

Wow! So I have a mate! This is so exciting! Seokjin is now my 'boyfriend' or I guess now you would say he is my mate. I love his mark. Is so beautiful as I stare at it in awe. But then of course another jab of pain hit my stomach and I fell laying down again. "It's ok baby, we've had our excitement! You can now relax and rest!" aish i love him. I love him. Wow. I really do. He softly rubbed my stomach as I slowly fell asleep on his chest again. I wasn't wrong though, he is as soft as a pillow. This makes me feel so safe and comfortable. Our bond has been sealed. He will be with me forever. I'm glad Seokjin is that person. 

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