Chapter 21

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(Ryujin's POV)

"Don't move or I will shoot him." I saw Seokjin tense up. I cant lose my mate, and Seokjin cant lose his brother. Oh please don't make me do something I will regret. As i thought. I did. Namjoon squirmed in the lady's arms which made the lady distracted giving Namjoon her full attention. I then ran behind her. Oh fuck here we go. I then bit her on her neck. She then groaned in pain giving Namjoon an outing as he ran and she fell on the ground. I stood there behind her dead body. Fuck did i really just do that? Namjoon was hugging Seokjin out of fear. Seokjin walked over to me. Is he going to hurt me? He then hugged me. Well unexspected. "Thank you for saving my brother." he smiled at me. I smiled back. "Of course, I couldn't watch him die." he pulled away and went back to hugging Namjoon. I looked at Jungkook. He was looking at me with utter shock and fear. "W-What are you?" well fuck, time to fess up. "I am a hybrid of vampire and human. My father is a vampire." I started playing with my hands, afraid of how Jungkook was going to react. I don't want this to end our friendship. "So I guess that is how you knew all that shit. Why didn't you tell us?" I feel so guilty right now. "I didn't know how you guys would react, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Are you mad at me? Are we still friends?" I looked at him innocently. He walked over to me and gave me a warm hug. "Of course I'm not mad at you and of course we are still friends! I just wish you told us earlier. I take this as Y/N doesn't know.'' I nodded. "Please don't tell her, I want to wait till the time is right." he nodded. "Now lets keep going, the fact that we ran into one of this man's men or women, must mean we are close." We kept walking. "Hey look! A building! Is that it Hyung?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah, I think so." We ran up to the building. It was abandoned. But we saw a man with a gun steal a glimpse at us. Fuck. he started running further into the building with another person replacing him.

(Min Yoongi's POV)

I was still watching Y/N. making sure she didn't try to leave. She was still knocked out because of the sedative I gave her. At least it works. I was sitting there keeping an eye on her until Jimin ran into the room. "Jimin what the fuck! You are supposed to be out front watching, making sure no one comes in!" "yea i know Hoseok took my spot, there is a group of people here. I wasn't sure what to do." ah fuck its Seokjin coming to get Y/N. "Well, get Hoseok with you and try to kill them! They can't be here!" "Yes boss." ugh i hate Seokjin, he stopped my men from getting Y/N that day in the alley, and now he is here!

(Jimin's POV)

I ran to the front of the building. "Hoseok, we have been ordered to kill those people out there." "ugh more killing! I just heard they managed to kill Karina. That's some next level shit." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go." We ran outside with our guns. Once we reached the grass I noticed something. My eyes started to tear up. "Jimin? What- what is this?" I looked to see my Step-Sister. Ryujin

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