A New Rivalry

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The weekend was now wrapping up he got to hang out with his friends and spend some time with the family. Sunday was mainly spent home for the first time since he moved here, he got to spend a full day with his siblings like family from pancakes in the morning while chilling to some jazz he finally got comfortable living in their new apartment. Jungkook would drop texts every few hours or so, nothing too long just only to check-up. Aside from him he didn't have anyone else to talk to, so he spent the rest of his day in peace.

But that peace was going to be short lived because this second week would prove to more difficult.

Waking up early as usual he felt himself feeling more tired than usual.

"Morning how are you*yawn doing." Eric yawned.

"What's happened to you, you look like you been through hell!" Jiwon commented.

"I'm fine just didn't get to sleep much today pass me *yawn* the cereal jebal?" he asked as he filled his bowl and proceeded to eat slowly. The siblings looked at each other before shrugging decided he was just sleepy.

After a fairly long morning, he forced his legs to school. Wanting to be in a good mood he decided to put some Miles Davis to get through the morning. Walking in the school they were students already chatting about the competition some even walking with their respective teams.

Once again, he saw the energetic Kookie greeting him he looked as he just woke up right now with his hairs sticking up.

"Jungkook are you okay?"

"I'm fine just didn't sleep much today."

"And I thought I was the only one." Eric said.

"Oh you had trouble sleeping? I wonder if we are foreshadowing of something bad going to happen!"

"Don't be overdramatic I don't understand why people believe in such superstitions." he shook head

"Such things exist they say that not sleeping is sign of bad karma we need to be prepared hyung! They could come after us!"

"Jungkook you should stop believing in dumb shit so what if we didn't get good sleep that don't mean shit" Matt yawned showing equal tiredness.

"You look rough Matt"

"Tell me about it let's just finish this day so we can train" Matt yawned before walking in.

"Will you kindly move you're blocking up the entrance" a male student said in a monotone voice. His face displayed no emotion.

"Sorry" Eric said before the make student walked forward without looking at them.

"What is his problem?" Eric asked while Jungkook simply shrugged.

"JYP-nim seems to running late today" Eunbi spoke out looking at the clock.

"He has a habit of running late" Yugyeom nods.

"Hopefully he doesn't make us do more choir practice I don't think I can handle another singing session from our teacher" Yuna adjusted her glasses.

"I don't even know why! He's like that when we practice you just have to get used to him" Yugyeom shrugged.

"I surely do hope we get this class started" another student yawned tiredly it seems everybody is tired today. He is rather short for a male but despite his height he carries a strong voice.

"You're the guy who sang Friday you have a really good voice" Eric complimented.

"Thanks, I try to be I take great passion in my vocals I even write on a few occasions, ohh... Mianhe I forgot to introduce myself I'm Lee Ji Hoon and you're a good singer as well" Jihoon introduced himself.

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