Chapter 18

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Long chapter thanks for being patient guys ❤️🫶🏽

(8 months into the pregnancy)

Josie's eyes twitch, threatening to open when she feels the baby kick a little hard.

She groans at the rude awakening but tries to go back to sleep, feeling uncomfortable she turns on her side.

She's still uncomfortable, the baby is moving too much which ultimately makes it hard to get comfortable but that changed when she felt a warm hand settle onto her stomach.

Her body immediately relaxed and she sighs heavily when that hand began caressing her.

It felt nice but she didn't feel like going to sleep anymore so she slowly opened her eyes, being gifted with the sight of her sleeping wife.

Her skin looks so soft, her lips so pink, the slow rise and fall of her chest, her hair that's so pretty especially when the sun hits it and makes it look like winter fire."Wow." She whispers, letting her eyes eat up the woman's natural beauty.

She stares for a while, just lost on why her wife is so beautiful, she then looks down and she sees hopes hand is still unconsciously rubbing her belly. Their child must recognize her touch by now.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears her wife yawning. She glanced back at her but Hope's eyes don't open and her hand doesn't move away from her stomach. She knows the auburnette is awake now.

"This would be so much more fun if we were naked." Hope sighs and scoots closer toward her wife.

Josie briefly glanced at Hope's body's before looking at her own. They are fully clothed in their pajamas and she sighs at the reminder before she looks at her wife's face.

Her eyes are still closed but she speaks to her anyway."That was your call not mine." She replies.

Hope opens her eyes after that,"I wanted you to get a good nights rest."

Josie chuckles softly,"Babe if we had sex I would have gotten a better nights rest."

Hope grins at the brunette,"Hmm how do you know that?"

"Because when we're done having sex, I'm always exhausted and I get the best sleep because of that exhaustion." Josie admits with no shame.

"I see." Hope chuckles, rubbing small circles on the brunettes stomach."I exhaust you." She concludes.

"In the best way." Josie replies bringing a hand to the auburnettes cheek.

They both hear a knock on their bedroom door."Rise and shine love birds!"

They both groan in unison because it's Lizzie.

"Babe maybe if we're quiet she'll leave."Hope whispers.

Josie nods in response and she brings their lips together for a soft kiss."Good, because I just got really horny baby." She says against Hope's lips.

Hope moans into the kiss,"I can help with that." She then climbs on top of the brunette.

The door suddenly bursts open and Hope pulled away from the brunette and shut her eyes, groaning at the interruption again,"Can I just make love to my wife without interruptions?"

Josie giggles and cups the auburnette's face,"You can but I doubt you'll be able to right now." She whispers.

"Alright get your asses up, we have work to do. Jo you still need to get dressed so we can go pick up aunt Elena and the results. Hope you and Ethan need to go pick up the labor stimulator and get back to the manor before we get started."

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