Chapter 7

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"Ok it says here that Lola-"

Milliseconds felt like hours. Seconds felt like days. My heart was pounding in my chest.

What if these were my children? What would they think of me? Midgardians have grew up reading stories that the Jotun kind tried to destroy their realm. Would they be scared of me? Would they be mad at me for not knowing? How could I make it up to them for missing sixteen years of their life, if this test proved that they were mine?

All of this buzzed around my mind within the second's worth of hesitation that Bruce provided.

"-is infact your mother!" He finished with a smile on his face as he turned to face us.

At first, it was disbelief. I could not believe that my children were alive, and well.

Second, it was fear. What if I was not good enough for them?

Third, it was anger. Pure, raw, anger at Odin for ruining the family that I could have, and should have, had.

Fourth, it was relief. My children were alive. They were ok.

Tears sprung to my eyes as the twins, my twins, hugged me. They wrapped their arms around me as they, too, shed tears. Loki pulled Bruce out of the room, saying something along the lines of that we need a moment of privacy.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered as I bent down to hug them. "I should have known. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Pietro quietly muttered.

"You're here now. That's what's important." Wanda whispered.

"I'll show you's. I'll show you's the life yous both should have had." I said to them. "Starting with your blood family. My mother, your grandmother, died a while ago, but your grandfather is still alive. As soon as the threat has resided, I will show yous what should have been yours all along."

Minutes later, the tears were halting, and the sniffles were less frequent. We pulled apart and the questions began.

"What would you have called us." Wanda asked.

"I would have named you Eyvör." I said as I looked to Wanda. "And you would have been called Pìere." I added as I turned my head to Pietro.

"Yous both would have grown up as the royalty yous are. Drowned in riches and wealth, yet raised to be humble, and not take what you are given for granted. Every birthday, a realm-wide event. A Prince and Princess of Jotunheim. Both born for the throne."

"I thought only one person could have the throne?" Pietro said to me.

"There would be a test. Nothing deadly, or harmful. Simply lay in a well of water, and the Norns would decide who is more fitted to take my place after my reign. But even I have not been crowned Queen, yet. And it will be the same process that I go through with Loki, if he wishes to claim the throne, since he was firstborn. If it proves that it is I whom is most fitted, then once I pass down the title, it would go to either of yous. Or if Loki does not produce an heir, the throne would be passed to one of yous." I explained as simply as I could.

"What now?" Pietro asked.

"You's can tell the others when yous are both ready. Or yous don't have to tell them at all, if that is what yous both wish." I said to them.

"I wanna tell them now." Wanda boldly said, and Pietro nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go." We stood up and walked into the metal contraption again.

"Gods, I still despise this thing." I whispered and my twins chuckled.

I'll never get sick of thinking that.

My twins.

My children.

My priority.

My world.

An- Extremely short chapter today. So, Lola is their mother. Let's face it, I bet most of us saw it coming, but I think it was a sweet ending. Running a little low on ideas, so just bare with me. Like most things in my life, I'm completely winging this book. Vote and comment what you think will happen from here.

Till next time,


Laufeysdottir: Loki's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now