Chapter 21

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Warnings: mentions of miscarriage, abuse, and implications of r@pe!


Loki said that both my father and I will have our own chambers here until we leave. He showed us them, and in mine, my children were sat on the floor waiting for me.

For the first time, in a very long time, everything felt...normal.


Wanda and Pietro instantly stood up and ran to me, although my son had an unfair advantage.

"You're ok." They whispered, presumably to themselves, as they hugged me tight.

"Im sorry, little ones." I apologised.

"It's not your fault. You didn't mean to get hurt." Pietro said.

"I have a gift for both of you." I said to them with a smile.

"What is it?" Wanda asked with wide, excited eyes.

Despite my body's protests, I used sorcery to summon what should have been their sixteen years ago.

Two small crowns appeared in either hand. They both had elegant designs, and diamonds littered the silver frames. Their crowns that would have rested upon their heads as toddlers. One fit for a Princess, the other for a young Prince.

 One fit for a Princess, the other for a young Prince

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They stared at the silver in my hands.

"Hold out one of your hands." I gently commanded. They did as I said and I put them onto their wrists.

Obviously, they were too big, so I muttered a spell to shrink them to the size of small bracelets. 'Bangles' as the mortals call them.

"They're beautiful." Wanda breathed. They both hugged me again and returned to staring at their new accessories.

"They were to be yours when yous grew into them. Obviously, things didn't go according to plan. But it is tradition to wear them as accessories once you grown out of them. I still wear mine." I said as I held up my wrist.

"I didn't get my crown until later

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"I didn't get my crown until later. My father, your grandfather, was looking for Loki. He missed alot of things in my early life, but tried his best to make up for it." I smiled.

My father missed my first steps, first words, first time crawling, first time sleeping all night, and the first time I said 'daddy'. The first three years of my life, my father was barely there. He was looking for Loki, not knowing that one of his closest friends had took him. I blame Odin for it all.

"How old were you?" Pietro asked.

"Four. You are meant to recieve it when you are first born. But like i said, my father wasn't really there."

They told me about their time in Asgard, and how Loki had sent out illusions of himself to keep them and their younger cousins occupied and out of trouble.

Mainly their cousins.

Then they asked a question I wasn't prepared for.

"Mum, who's our dad?" Wanda quizzed. The use of 'mum' had my heart skip a beat and leap into my throat. But then there there was the rest of the question.

"He is actually Asgardian. Although, he is not the kind of person I would wish young children to be around. Yvor, that's his name." I told them.

What I didn't tell them was the despicable things he did to me, like how being pregnant with them was not my choice. Or he beat me when I refused to comply to his desires.

Believe it or not, I haven't always been the confident, out going, crowned Princess that I am today. Maybe as I child I was confident, but after my mother's death, my father isolated himself. I traveled between realms to take my mind off of the loss of my mother.

I stumbled upon Asgard a century ago. Well, I didn't stumble as in I did not know of the place, more like I ended up here by travelling the roots of Yggdrasil not knowing where in the nine realms they would take me.

I fell in love. Well, I thought it was love. Yvor was handsome, and he knew it. High cheek bones, thin pink lips, fair skin, long blonde hair. He was a warrior, too. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I said 'yes'.

I didn't have a choice if I wanted to be pregnant or not. I was viciously beaten when I miscarried. I managed to escape when I found out I was pregnant again with my twins. My last miscarriage was with a Jotun lord in the court.

I didn't tell them any of that. Just like I haven't told anyone else. My father just thinks it was a rebellious stage, especially when I came back and announced that I was with child.

No-one knows. And no-one will ever know.


The twins slept in a room that was joint with mine via a door in the living quarters. I awoke fairly early, and decided to sit on the sofa with a book and a cup of tea.

"Morning, mum." I heard a sleepy Wanda say as she walked out of her's and Pietro's shared room.

Again, my heart leaped when she called me 'mum' and my eyes started to water. My children may not have been planned, or even conceived with my own concent, but that will never change how much I love them. They are, and will always be, my entire world.

"Goodmorning, liten en. How did you sleep?" (Little one) I asked her.

"Pietro snores." She grumbled and rubbed her eyes. I laughed as she sat down on the sofa next to me and curled up in the corner of it.

"I could try and find seperate chambers, if you wish." I offered.

"Nah, it's fine. I'd rather not sleep very well than worry to much to sleep at all." She answered.

"Wise words." I half smiled as I took another sip.

We waited until my son awoke before walking to the throne room, where our breaking of fast would be held.

We were all dressed accordingly. Pietro was in the formal wear that he was gifted on Jotunheim, Wanda was in a cream evening gown with a slightly corsetted waist. I was in a royal blue dress with a similar design to the one my daughter was donned in.

The guards recognised me and allowed us entry. It was only my father, Frigga, and Loki present. I am assuming Odin came to the sensible conclusion that he would not live to see the sun reach its peak if he showed his face to me, or to Loki.

"Odin to much of a cowered to grace us with his presence?" I asked my father in our mother tounge, while sarcastically emphasising the word 'grace'.

"He is still the Allfather, Lolita, and this is still his realm." He warned me.

"Not just his, though. Frigga is Queen,'tis her realm, too." I replied.

My father sighed and continued eating. I smirked in victory and Loki gave me a puzzled look. I let him into my mind, meaning he could understand what we were saying, and he suppressed a snicker.

I still need to teach him Jotunise (Jotun-ease).

Especially if he could be King of Jotunheim.

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