Chapter 14

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"What was the price?" Thor whispered to me. I didn't expect him to understand that this type of magic required a price.

"Pardon?" I asked as i looked at him, thinking I didn't hear him correctly.

"What was the price, Little Sister?" I internally smiled at the fact that Thor adopted me as a sister. I turned back to the scene infront of me.

"My fertility."


Thor looked at me as if I had grown a second head, then with sympathy, then with complete adoration. He knew what I gave up as well as fertility.


I have always loved children, and I knew from a very young age I wanted a big family. Hel, I was the one who invented what Midgardians have adapted to call 'dolls'. I named them 'livaktige spedbarn', meaning 'life-like infants' in Allspeak (Norwegian). But i guess Midgardians found 'Doll' easier to pronounce.

Having a large family was one of the only things that could make me truly happy, and I gave that up for Loki. And I would do it again to see him like this.

We may not have known eachother, personally, for very long, and some might call me crazy for giving up my chance to have more children. But seeing that smile on my brother's face, and the tears of joy in his eyes, as he hugged his twins made it worth the price I had to pay.

He just can't find out.

It wouldn't do him any harm, but if I have learned anything about him, it would be how guilty he feels at the slightest wrong-doing. He would feel guilty that I sacrificed my fertility so he could have his children back.

"Maybe I could-"

"You can't fix it, Thor. It was a magical binding. The universe required balance. To have children brought back from the dead means that the spell caster must become sterile, themselves. I could attempt to find a spell, or a loophole, or I could even see if i could bend the rules, but as far as I know, this is permanent." I gently cut him off.

He was going to try and see if his blessing would help, but I already knew it wouldn't. Such simple magic can't fix this curse.

The adrenaline of the sorcery use was wearing off, and only now could I feel how drained I was.

My head felt like a feather, and the world started to spin. I barely had time to say what was happening before I dropped like a stone. Thor caught me before laying me on the sofa, then the world went dark.


"I owe her everything, Thor." I heard Loki say as I started regaining consciousness.

"I know, brother. But she wouldn't want you to worry."

"This is worse than my first hangover." I groaned as I managed to lift my hand to my head.

"Lola?" Loki questioned.

"No." I grumbled as i tried to roll over to go to sleep.

"Daddy? What's wrong with her?" I heard a small voice question.

"Nothing, little one. She just-"

"LOLITA LAUFEYSDOTTIR!" I jolted upright, with wide eyes, at that voice and the use of my full name.

"Father, I-I can explain. I swear I-" I started as my father came storming into the living area.

"Intuder detected. Mr Odinson, do you wish for Mr Stark to be informed?" Friday questioned.

"No need, Friday." Thor told the ceiling.

"You used dark magic?! Your mother gave you that grimoire for emergencies! You better have a good excuse, and the price better not be high." He said through gritted teeth.

In my thousand-or-so years of living, father has been this mad at me a total of four times. The first time was when I snuck to Midgard on my own. The second was when he found out I didn't save myself for marriage. The third was when I found I was with child at such a young age. And the fourth when I refused to tell him who the father of my deceased children were, just so he could personally kill him. He is protective.

This is would be the fifth time.

"It might be best if we have this conversation in private, father."

"Whatever you have to say, you will say it infront of the Odinsons."

"We aren't both Odinsons." Came Loki's now timid voice.

"Loki, let me explain. I should have tried to tell him sooner. Take Thor and the younglings, Wanda, and Pietro to my chambers. There will be food and drinks in there." I said to him. He nodded and left.

"What does he mean, Lolita!" He yelled, still mad

"Loptr, father! He is Loptr!" I yelled right back. One thing I got from my father, was my short temper. We were both Jotun-blue, my magic was too tapped to keep up the illusion.

My father's angry expression turned to one of sorrow and disbelief. "What?" He questioned.

"He is Loptr. Odin took him from the temple, then lied to you when he 'helped' you look for him!"

"He-He wouldn't. Odin is a friend. An ally." He tried telling himself.

"He is a liar, father. But your son is not all he took from our family. He took your grandchildren, too. I never delivered stillborn twins. He had his healer cast a spell on them. They are here, father. Loki, Loptr, has children of his own. The younglings that were in here are also your grandchildren, my neice and nephew. I would have told you sooner, but Loki was recently abducted by some mortals who craved power. Plus the shields I surrounded Jotunheim with would completely block outside contact." He needed a minute to absorb the fact that not only is his son alive, but he is also a grandfather.

"Would you like to meet them?" I asked after a moment of silence.

My father slowly nodded his head, clearly still in shock, and followed me to my chambers. My illusions fell back into place, as I opened the doors to see Loki, his younglings, Thor, and my twins all sat around a small table eating my secret stash of brownies while drinking something I assume Loki conjured up.

They all froze and looked at the doorway as father and I entered. They knew when I said 'food', I didn't mean my brownies.

"Are they my brownies?" I already knew the answer, but it would be amusing to see them try and wiggle their way out of this.

I watched as they nervously swallowed the food that was in their mouths, then look at eachother, not knowing how to answer.

Laufeysdottir: Loki's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now