Chapter 6

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I woke up lying on someone's lap.

Looking up, I saw Loki, peacefully sleeping. I slipped out of bed, and used magic to cover my puffy eyes, making them appear to be normal.

Wandering down the hallway, into the living room, I saw Natasha and Wanda.

"Wanda." I said as I sat down. The teenager looked at me with wide, curious, green eyes. "Would you mind showing me your magic? I have never felt power radiate off of a Midgardian like I have with you." I asked.

"Uhm, sure." She shrugged. She sat next to me on the sofa and started twirling red orbs around her fingers.

"Impossible..." I muttered. "My dear, you have no idea what power you possess. The energy coming off of this is nearly identical to my own. That in itself should be impossible. Unless..." I trailed off, but I think Nat got the idea.

"You don't think..." Nat said to me.

"It could be possible. Especially with the fact that Odin was present for one of them. And he has a habit of taking things away from my family." I explained.

Wanda looked lost. "What do yous mean? Unless what?" She asked.

"Nothing, love. Don't stress about it. I can not be certain, anyway." I reasured her with a small smile.

"I thought you only had stillborn?" Natasha managed to project her thoughts, clearly having practice.

"I did. I had a stillborn twins when the Allfather visited, then a year later, I then delivered a stillborn baby boy. Atleast, that's what the Allfather told me when I said they should be crying. The healer looked upset, but not the kind of upset when you deliver stillborn children. She looked guilty, and ashamed. I am surprised I never connected the dots. The Allfather lied, and, chances are, he ordered his healer to do the same. And she cannot go against the Allfathers wishes." I replied.

"The more I hear about this 'Allfather', the less I actually like him." She growled inside her head and subtly rolled her eyes.

"Dont let him actually hear you say that." A foreign, yet familiar voice rang out in our heads. Loki. "Now why aren't yous talking properly with the witchling here?" He questioned.

"We think that the twins could be Lola's children." Nat  summed up.

"I thought you only carried stillborn to term?"

"I did. Atleast, that is what I was told. The pregnancy before my last, I delivered stillborn twins. The Allfather and his healer were present, and we all know that he has a habit of taken children from our family. And we all know his healer couldn't have went  against him. With sorcery like the little witch has, it's highly possible." I explained.

"So you think I am your daughter?"

We were all startled by the fourth voice. She should not have been able to penentrate the walls I put up around us.

"I'm not stupid, I know a telepathic conversation when I see one." She said with a smirk.

"How much did you hear?" I softly asked.

"After Nat rolled her eyes. For an assassin, you aren't very subtle, or discreet." She joked.

"Haha." Nat sarcastically said as she heavily rolled her eyes, this time. "We could get Banner to run a maternity test." Nat suggested with a shrug.

"Only if you are comfortable with it." I said to Wanda.

Wanda eagerly nodded and said, "I'll go find Pietro. He's probably being an imbecile with Peter." She said and quickly scrambled to her feet. She ran down the hallway and into the metal contraption. She looked at me and excitedly smiled as the doors shut.

"What are you going to do if the test says that they are yours?" Nat asked.

"Show them the life they should have had. One where they are royalty, in a realm filled with snow, and ice. I'll show them the room they were to share, until they were old enough for their own chambers. I'll show them their family. I'll show them who their grandfather is, and the room that is dedicated to their grandmother. I'll show them what should have been theirs." I replied with no hesitation.

The doors to the contraption opened and a blue blur whizzed into the room. Pietro was carrying Wanda, and she was screaming for her brother to, and I quote, 'put her the fuck down'. Thor walked in after them.

"Language, Wanda." Steve said as he appeared out of nowhere.

"He really won't like me." I said as the muscular blonde left the room with a bottle of water.

"Why not?" Nat asked.

"Because I have taught the palace back home a whole variety of colourful words." I lightly said.

"Like what?" Loki quizzed.

"One of the worst ones is probably, 'Odin's saggy shrivelled left testicle'."

"Never let me hear you say that again." Thor groaned and rubbed his temple, likely trying to rid himself of whatever image I managed to put in his head.

"In my defence, I was in labour." I reasoned.

Wanda, Pietro, Loki, and I all made our way into the metal contraption. Wanda pressed a button, and it started going up.

"I still have little faith in Midgardian technology." I grumbled.

"What will you do if it falls." Loki teased.

"Same as I said earlier this week. Haunt your arse all the way from Helheim." I was quick to reply, and earned a snicker from the twins.

There was only a moment of silence before Wanda spoke up. "What if the test comes back saying that you aren't our mother?" She sounded worried.

"Then things stay as they are. And, if you wish, I could help you control your abilities because, sweetheart, I meant what I said before. You have no idea what potential lies within you." I said.

"But if they come back saying that you are our mother, who's the oldest?" Pietro asked with a wide grin.

"It would be Wanda. By thirteen minutes, and forty-two seconds, she would be older." I chuckled when Pietro pouted and Wanda smirked at him.

The doors opened and we stepped out of the contraption and into a big white room with desks, benches, and Midgardian equipment that I do not understand.

"I heard the rumours from Jarvis. I've got everything set up." Bruce said as he walked towards us. "I'll just need blood samples so I can compare them." He added and had me and the twins sit on a small backless chairs.

He put needles into our arms, and started drawing our blood. "I thought frost giant blood was blue?" Bruce said as he watched my blood drain through the tube.

"When in my Jotun form, it is. Right now I've used sorcery to cover that form and make me appear like any other person on Midgard, the blood colour is apart of that transformation." I explained to him as he took out the needles.

He put it in this odd machine and sat on a chair infront of a mini TV with letters infront of him on a piece of plastic.

"Ok. It says here that Lola-"

An- What do yous think? Is Lola their mother? If she is, what do you think her reaction will be? How do you think Loki would take to the fact that he's not only got a sister, but he's also an Uncle? How would Thor react to finding out that his father not only took Loki, but took two newborn children away from their mother? How fucked do you think Odin would be? The cuss phrase was not my own, i read it in anoth book. As always, don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

Till next time,


Laufeysdottir: Loki's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now