Chapter 24

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TW: Descriptive scene of panic attack. Skip to dotted line if this will make you uncomfortable.


"I would say she is ready to return to Jotunheim. If that is what you both wish to do, of course. Yous will always be welcome in Asgard." We heard Frigga say.

I can go home.


After we had trained, we headed to the hall for our breaking of fast.

There were trays upon trays of meat, all seeming to be a different kind. There were dishes of boiled eggs and bowls of porridge. Horn goblets were all filled with ale, and everyone seemed merry.

I walked arm in arm with my father, Frigga walked infront of us. I saw a man sitting at a table. Long blonde hair, high cheek bones, thin pink lips, fair skin and cold blue eyes.


My eyes widened and my breath got caught in my throat. He's here, I thought. 

I excused myself, saying I was going to the restroom. I rushed out of the dining hall and sunk against the wall outside of where everyone had gathered, the corridor was void of people.

My breathing came in sharp gasps, it felt like my lungs were caving in on themselves. My mouth ran dry and my head spun. My stomach felt queasy as I relived the feeling of his large hand wrapping around my throat, choking me until black spots danced in my vision.

Despite a thin sheen of sweat coating my deathly pale skin, I found myself shaking as I curled up to make myself seem smaller. Tears were streaming down my shivering form as my mind fell into a haze of old memories, none of which were good.

I clutched at my chest, hoping that somehow, despite my quick intakes of air, that I will be able to breathe properly again.

The hallway seemed to become much more narrow as I tried to focus on just one thing, but that task seemed almost impossible with the ever straitening corridor surrounding me. (Straitening is an archaic verb, a synonym of narrow/narrowing)

The constant feeling of being watched terrified me, and I tried to shrink into the corner of the pillar and wall. I feared he saw me, and he was on his way to the door that was barely a meter to my right.

He's coming I thought. He's coming for me. That single though ran through my head repeatedly as I found myself scraping onto whatever air I could get.

I heard the door open and footsteps coming to where I was slumped against the wall, desperately clinging onto whatever air I could. He's here. I thought. He's found me. He's here. My breathing increased, but I still had little air in my lungs. I thought I was going to die. Either from the lack of air or by the hands of him.

I was terrified.

What if he finds out about Wanda and Pietro? Will he try and take them from me? Will they go with him, wanting to know their father? What if they do go with him and be abuses them the way he did with me?

I vaguely recognized my breathing come out in gasps and what almost sounded like whimpers. My hearing was fuzzy, and it was like they were being covered. Tears ran down my face like shallow rivers as I sobbed like a mad woman.

"Hey, I've got you, just breathe." A familiar accented voice gently said as I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and cheek. I flinched before I saw my elder brother. "It's alright, just breathe." Loki knelt before me, whispering comforting nothings in an attempt to soothe me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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