Chapter 8

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The twins had told Thor first, since he was the first person they found. He took pride in telling everyone that he was their 'Uncle'. Loki was trailing behind the twins and Thor with me.

"Clint! Wanda and Pieteo are Lolas children! I'm an Uncle!" Thor boomed.

"Has-has your brother just adopted me as a sibling?" I asked like with slightly furrowed brows and a humorous smirk, while never tearing my eyes from the scene.

He chuckled slightly before replying. "I believe the way he sees it, you're my sister, therefore you are his sister." He said with a small smile.

"I can't believe they are alive." I whispered as more tears slowly came to my eyes.

"Well they are. They are both alive and well. They are here, now." He said, and a single tear rolled down my face and a faint smile graced my lips.


"Lola. You are a Milf." Tony stated as I walked into the livingroom for our lunch.

"I beg your pardon?" I said as I looked at him with furrowed brows, not quite knowing what he meant.

"Ew, Tony. No." My daughter grimaced.

"It means 'Mother I Love to Fuck'. But in this case, i think he means it as a 'Mother I would Love to Fuck'." Bucky said as he raised his head from a small book.


"How do you know what that means?" Sam asked Bucky with a smirk and a quirked eyebrow.

"I'm old. Not stupid. Unlike some." He mumbled the last part.

"Buck, be nice."

"I'm always nice!"



"Be nice."

"Always am!"

"How long have they been courting?" I asked Sam and he chuckled.

"Mutual pining. We hope they'll admit it sooner, rather than later." He told me with a knowing smirk.

"Perhaps we can...encourage it, slightly." I returned his smirk.

"What chaos are yous two planning?" Loki asked, joining the conversation.

"Not chaos. More like...what's the term... a 'set up', as Midgardians put it." I answered, then added with a smirk, "You will know when I am planning something chaotic."

"Why the Norns decided why it would be a good to pair us as siblings, I shall never know, nor understand." He replied with a matching smirk.

"Just...don't kill nobody." Sam sighed as he walked away.

"How long have Bucky and Steve been pining over eachother, as Sam put it?" I asked.

"Since the mid 1900's, I believe." He answered.

"I thought it was 2022, now? How are they still alive?"

Bucky overheard and briefly explained what happened, and how they still look to be in their late 20's and early 30's.


The day slowly rolled into the evening, and we were all sat on the sofas eating, what the mortals called, 'pizza'.

"Lola?" Peter said, and I turned my attention towards him. "Have you got anymore stories about your time on earth? Or any other realm?" He asked me.

"Which realm do you want to know about?" I asked.

Laufeysdottir: Loki's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now